Module Description

This module is a backend of mod_event_pusher that implements XEP-0357: Push Notifications. It enables a service that notifies PubSub of a user's choice about every message that they could miss while being offline. There are two control stanzas that the client can send to this module: enable and disable. The enable stanza enables push notifications and forwards them to a specified PubSub node. This stanza may also contain an optional Data Form that will be added to each and every notification to PubSub node as publish-options. Please be sure to provide all form fields required by the specified PubSub node. Any publish error may result in disabling push notifications to this node.


  • backend (atom, default: mnesia) - Backend to use for storing the registrations. Currently only mnesia may be used.
  • wpool (list, default: []) - List of options that will be passed to the worker_pool library that handles all the requests. Please refer to the Project Site for more details.
  • plugin_module (atom, default: mod_event_pusher_push_plugin_defaults) - module implementing mod_event_pusher_push_plugin behaviour, used for dynamic configuration of push notifications. Read more about it here

Plugin module

A plugin module handles dynamic configuration of push notifications. It implements mod_event_pusher_push_plugin behaviour which requires two callbacks:

  • should_publish/3 - callback used for filtering push notifications. A push notification is triggered for given a message only if this callback returns true.
-spec should_publish(From :: ejabberd:jid(), To :: ejabberd:jid(), Packet :: jlib:xmlel()) -> boolean().
  • publish_notification/5 - does the actual push. By default it pushes to the registered pubsub nodes.
-spec publish_notification(Acc :: mongooseim_acc:t(), From :: jid:jid(),
                           To :: jid:jid(), Packet :: exml:element(),
                           Services :: [mod_event_pusher_push:publish_service()]) -> mongooseim_acc:t().

Example configuration

{mod_event_pusher, [
    {backends, [
        {push, [
            {backend, mnesia},
            {wpool, [{workers, 200}]},
            {plugin_module, mod_event_pusher_push_plugin_defaults}