Module Description

This module enables Jingle to SIP and SIP to Jingle translation. When this module is enabled, MongooseIM will intercept any Jingle IQ set stanza with action:

  • session-initiate
  • session-terminate
  • session-accept
  • transport-info

and translate it to SIP messages with appropriate SDP content based on the details in the Jingle stanza.

The translation back from SIP to Jingle is done for the following SIP requests:

  • re-INVITE - INVITE message sent for an accepted session
  • BYE
  • INFO

and following responses to the INVITE request:

  • 200 when the call invite was accepted
  • 180 and 183 to indicate that the invitation was sent to the device
  • 486 when the call's recipient rejects it
  • from 400 to 600 - other error codes indicating session termination

Jingle to SIP translation

The table below summarises the bilateral translation for standard Jingle and SIP messages:

Jingle action SIP message comment
session-initiate INVITE request
session-accept 200 OK response
session-terminate with reason success BYE request Only for accepted session
session-terminate with reason decline CANCEL request When sent by call's initiator
session-terminate with reason decline 486 Busy Here response When sent by the invite user
transport-info INFO request
Ringing notification

Both Jingle and SIP have the ringing notification. It's generated as a response code 180 Ringing by a SIP entity when the INVITE is sent to the device. In SIP world a 183 Session Progress response code is also generated in some cases. Both 180 and 183 codes are translated as session-info Jingle stanza with ringing sub element. MongooseIM generates only 180 Ringing response code the INVITE request, if the recipient's online. If the recipient is online, MongooseIM generates the 180 Ringing response code to the INVITE request.

Recipient unavailable

When MongooseIM receives a SIP INVITE request addressed to an offline user, it replies with a 480 Temporarily Unavailable code. The same code is expected from the SIP Proxy when MongooseIM sends the INVITE request.

Other error codes

When an error response to the INVITE request is from the range 400 to 699 but not 486, MongooseIM will send a Jingle session-terminate stanza to the call's initiator. The stanza has reason general-error with the SIP error code in the sip-error sub element.

Non-standard Jingle stanzas used by jingle.js

The following non-standard Jingle stanzas were integrated with

  • source-remove
  • source-add
  • source-update

When MongooseIM observes the above Jingle stanzas, it will translate them to a SIP in-dialog INVITE request. In the SDP content of the request, there will be a custom attribute a=jingle-action. The value of the custom attribute is one of the three presented above.

Similarly when MongooseIM gets a SIP in-dialog INVITE request, it will check if there is a custom attribute and use it as the action attribute of the Jingle stanza sent to the user. If there is no such attribute, the action will be set to regular Jingle transport-info.

Non-stadard Jingle existing-session-initiate stanza

MongooseIM allows a user to ask for an unanswered session-initiate request. This may be useful in web applications when there is a need to handle the call in a new browser window.

In order to get the session-initiate, which was not answered yet, the user can send a get Jingle stanza to self with action set to existing-session-initiate. As a result, MongooseIM will resend the original session-initiate request to the device which sent the query.


By default, MongooseIM is built without SIP support. In order to build the server with SIP support, please use tools/configure script before the release generation. You may either pick only certain drivers (with SIP included) or simply use with-all option. Examples:

tools/configure with-mysql with-jingle-sip
tools/configure with-all without-odbc
tools/configure with-all

MongooseIM 2.2.x packages are built with OTP 19.3, so they include Jingle/SIP support.


  • proxy_host (default: "localhost") name or IP address of the SIP Proxy to which MongooseIM will send SIP messages
  • proxy_port (default: 5600) port of the SIP Proxy
  • listen_port (default: 5600) the port on which MongooseIM will listen for incomming SIP messages
  • local_host (default: "localhost") value used to create SIP URIs (including VIA headers)
  • sdp_origin (default: "") value of the c= SDP attribute

The simplest configuration is the following:

{mod_jingle_sip, []}

With this configuration MongooseIM will try sending SIP messages to a SIP proxy listening on localhost and port 5060.

Use cases covered by tests

Currently to test the functionality we use a SIP Proxy mock written in Erlang. The following scenarios are covered by our tests in big_tests/tests/jingle_SUITE.erl

All the sequence diagrams where generated with The source code is embedded in the markdown file below every diagram inside a comment <!--- --->

1. Establishing a session with another XMPP user

With the mod_jingle_sip enabled, all Jingle IQ set stanzas listed above are intercepted, translated to SIP packets and sent to a SIP Proxy. This means that the current implementation will also translate stanzas addressed to a user in the same domain. This allows the SIP entity to control how the call between XMPP users is established. Below there are sequence diagrams showing the communication between XMPP users, MongooseIM and SIP Proxy as in our tests. It's possible that the SIP Proxy or other SIP entity decides that the call needs to be forked and delivered to the user's phone number instead of generating a corresponding call back to MongooseIM.

1.1 Signaling session-initiate to other XMPP user via SIP Proxy
+-------+                       +-------------+       +-----------+                   +-------+
| UserA |                       | MongooseIM  |       | SIPProxy  |                   | UserB |
+-------+                       +-------------+       +-----------+                   +-------+
    |                                  |                    |                             |
    | session-initiate to UserB        |                    |                             |
    |--------------------------------->|                    |                             |
    | -------------------------\       |                    |                             |
    |-| Jingle stanza          |       |                    |                             |
    | | action:session-initate |       |                    |                             |
    | | sid: 123               |       |                    |                             |
    | |------------------------|       | SIP INVITE         |                             |
    |                                  |------------------->|                             |
    |                                  | -------------\     |                             |
    |                                  |-| from:UserA |     |                             |
    |                                  | | to:UserB   |     |                             |
    |                                  | | sid: 123   |     |                             |
    |                                  | |------------|     | create new call             |
    |                                  |                    |----------------             |
    |                                  |                    |               |             |
    |                                  |                    |<---------------             |
    |                                  |                    | ------------------------\   |
    |                                  |                    |-| SDP content can be    |   |
    |                                  |                    | | changed for instance  |   |
    |                                  |                    | | to inject a transport |   |
    |                                  |         SIP INVITE | | canidate              |   |
    |                                  |<-------------------| |-----------------------|   |
    |                                  |     -------------\ |                             |
    |                                  |     | from:UserA |-|                             |
    |                                  |     | to:UserB   | |                             |
    |            --------------------\ |     | sid:456    | |                             |
    |            | yes, new SID: 456 |-|     |------------| |                             |
    |            |-------------------| |                    |                             |
    |                                  |                    |                             |
    |                                  | session-initiate to UserB                        |
    |                                  |------------------------------------------------->|
    |                                  |                    |                             |
1.2 Signaling session-accept to other XMPP user via SIP Proxy

When the other user accepts the call invite sent by the first, the following sequence is executed. This is a continuation of the previous example

+-------+                       +-------------+        +-----------+                   +-------+
| UserA |                       | MongooseIM  |        | SIPProxy  |                   | UserB |
+-------+                       +-------------+        +-----------+                   +-------+
    |                                  |                     |                             |
    |                                  |                     |     session-accpet to UserA |
    |                                  |<--------------------------------------------------|
    |                                  |                     |   ------------------------\ |
    |                                  |                     |   | Jingle stanza         |-|
    |                                  |                     |   | action:session-accept | |
    |                                  |                     |   | sid: 456              | |
    |                                  | 200 OK              |   |-----------------------| |
    |                                  |-------------------->|                             |
    |                                  | --------------\     |                             |
    |                                  |-| from: UserA |     |                             |
    |                                  | | to: UserB   |     |                             |
    |                                  | | sid: 456    |     |                             |
    |                                  | |-------------|     | find corresponding call     |
    |                                  |                     |------------------------     |
    |                                  |                     |                       |     |
    |                                  |                     |<-----------------------     |
    |                                  |                     |                             |
    |                                  |              200 OK |                             |
    |                                  |<--------------------|                             |
    |                                  |     --------------\ |                             |
    |                                  |     | from: UserA |-|                             |
    |                                  |     | to: UserB   | |                             |
    |                                  |     | sid: 123    | |                             |
    |        session-accept from UserB |     |-------------| |                             |
    |<---------------------------------|                     |                             |
    |                                  |                     |                             |
1.3 Terminating a call

Any Jingle session (accepted or not) can be terminated by sending a Jingle stanza with action session-terminate and a reason. In the SIP world it's more complex. See the following examples for more information.

1.3.1 Terminating an accepted call

The easiest scenario is when the call was accepted as in 1.2. In this case one of the users sends a session-terminate Jingle action with a reason success. This is translated to a SIP BYE request with to and from headers set appropriately - from is the user who wants to terminate the call and to is the user on the other end of the session. The BYE request is sent to the SIP Proxy and then to the other user in a similar way to session acceptance.

1.3.2 Terminating an unanswered call by initiator

To terminate the call before it's accepted, the initiator sends a Jingle session-terminate stanza with a reason decline. Then MongooseIM translates this to a SIP CANCEL request which is sent to the SIP Proxy.

1.3.3 Rejecting the call

When the invitee wants to terminate the call, on the XMPP level this is also a Jingle session-terminate stanza with a reason decline. MongooseIM translates this to SIP 486 Busy Here Response (because this is a response to the invite request).

2. Establishing a session with a SIP user

Establishing a session with a SIP user (or a SIP entity) works the same as in the previous section. The only difference is that the SIP Proxy will not call MongooseIM back (as it may happen for call to other XMPP user). Instead the SIP message sent by MongooseIM to SIP Proxy will be delivered directly to the SIP user's device.