How to build MongooseIM


To compile MongooseIM you need:

  • GNU Make
  • GCC
  • Erlang/OTP 18.3 or higher
  • Reltool 0.6.6 or higher
  • OpenSSL 0.9.8 or higher, for STARTTLS, SASL and SSL encryption
    • CentOS: openssl-devel
    • Ubuntu: libssl-dev
  • ODBC library
    • CentOS: unixODBC-devel
    • Ubuntu: unixodbc-dev
  • Zlib 1.2.3 or higher for Stream Compression support (XEP-0138). Optional.

Compiling on macOS

MongooseIM is supported on Mac OS X / macOS 10.6.8 and later. Before you can compile and run MongooseIM, you will need to install the following packages:

  • C and C++ compiler
  • Git
  • Erlang/OTP 18.3 or higher
  • OpenSSL
  • ODBC

We recommend using Homebrew to manage packages on your Mac. With Homebrew installed, getting all dependencies is a matter of running the following commands:

$ xcode-select --install # install compilation tools
$ brew install git erlang openssl unixodbc

If you are planning to use ODBC to connect to MSSQL:

$ brew install freetds --with-unixodbc

Additionally you'll need to export some environment variables to point the compiler to OpenSSL installed with Homebrew:

$ export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib -undefined dynamic_lookup $LDFLAGS"
$ export CXXFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include $CXXFLAGS"
$ export CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include $CFLAGS"

After you've done this, follow the steps from the Compiling on *nix systems section.

Compiling on *nix systems

To compile MongooseIM, go to the main repo directory $REPO and execute the command ($ stands for the shell prompt):

    $ ./rebar3 compile

To generate a full MongooseIM release (i.e. an executable with mysql, pgsql or other dependencies):

    $ make rel

If a more advanced release is required (with only specific DB support, e.g. mysql or pgsql) or you want to set the prefix or user for the installation script please refer to the release configuration page in our documentation.

The make rel commands will generate a self-contained OTP system image in the project's _build/prod/rel/mongooseim subdirectory. The contents of that directory are as follows:

  • bin - startup/administration scripts,
  • etc - configuration files,
  • lib - MongooseIM binary, header and runtime files,
  • var - spool directory,
  • log - log file directory,
  • releases - release files directory.

Running MongooseIM

To run MongooseIM from the project tree after compiling it, change to $REPO/_build/prod/rel/mongooseim.

There you can use the mongooseim command line administration script to start and stop MongooseIM. For example, this command will start the server:

$ bin/mongooseim start

You can also run the server in interactive mode (drop into an Erlang shell):

$ bin/mongooseim live

There's also a tool called mongooseimctl to perform some operations on a running instance, e.g.:

$ bin/mongooseimctl status
MongooseIM node mongooseim@localhost:
  operating system pid: 86026
  Erlang VM status: started (of: starting | started | stopping)
  boot script status: started
  version: 1.6.2-61-g48b8332
  uptime: 1:12:46

Building the testing target and running tests

For testing purposes there's a different make target available:

$ make devrel

which will generate releases mim1, mim2, mim3, fed1, reg1 in $REPO/_build/ and prepare them for testing and generating coverage reports.

To run the tests (from project's root directory, i.e. $REPO):

$ tools/travis-test