
JWT authentication backend can verify JSON Web Tokens provided by the clients. A wide range of signature algorithms is supported, including those using public key cryptography.

The module checks the signature and validity of the following parameters:

  • exp - an expired token is rejected,
  • iat - a token must be issued in the past,
  • nbf - a token might not be valid yet.

Requires the SASL PLAIN method.

Configuration options

  • jwt_secret_source

    • Description: A path to a file or an environment variable, which will be used as a JWT secret.
    • Warning: Please note that while a direct path to a file is read only once during startup, a path in the environment variable is read on every auth request.
    • Value: string, e.g. /etc/secrets/jwt or {env, "env-variable-name"}
    • Default: none, either jwt_secret_source or jwt_secret must be set
  • jwt_secret

    • Description: A binary with a JWT secret. This option is ignored and overwritten, if jwt_secret_source is defined.
    • Value: binary
    • Default: none (either jwt_secret_source or jwt_secret must be set)
  • jwt_algorithm

    • Description: A name of the algorithm used to sign JWT.
    • Valid values: "HS256", "RS256", "ES256", "HS386", "RS386", "ES386", "HS512", "RS512", "ES512"
    • Default: none, it's a mandatory option
  • jwt_username_key

    • Description: A JWT key that contains the username to verify.
    • Value: atom
    • Default: none, it's a mandatory option