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What is PubSub?

PubSub is a design pattern which mostly promotes a loose coupling between two kinds of entities - publishers and subscribers. Like their names suggest, in the pubsub world we have publishers who fire events, and subscribers who wish to be notified about those events when publishers push data. There might be several subscribers, several publishers, and even several channels (or nodes) where the events are sent.

Module Description

This module implements XEP-0060: Publish-Subscribe. Due to the complexity of the protocol, the PubSub engine makes successive calls to the nodetree and node plugins in order to check the validity of requests, perform the corresponding action and return a result or appropriate error. Such an architecture makes it much easier to write custom pubsub plugins and add new storage backends. It's all about tailoring PubSub to your needs!


This module does not support dynamic domains.



  • Syntax: string, one of "one_queue", "no_queue", "queues", "parallel"
  • Default: "one_queue"

Strategy to handle incoming stanzas. For details, please refer to IQ processing policies.

  • Syntax: string
  • Default: "pubsub.@HOST@"
  • Example: host = "pubsub.localhost"

Subdomain for Pubsub service to reside under. @HOST@ is replaced with each served domain.


  • Syntax: string, one of "mnesia", "rdbms"
  • Default: "mnesia"
  • Example: backend = "rdbms"

Database backend to use.


  • Syntax: string, rule name, or "all"
  • Default: "all"
  • Example: access_createnode = "all"

Specifies who is allowed to create pubsub nodes. The access rule referenced here needs to be defined in the access section.


  • Syntax: non-negative integer
  • Default: 10
  • Example: max_items_node = 10

Defines the maximum number of items that can be stored in a node.


  • Syntax: non-negative integer
  • Default: not specified (no limit)
  • Example: max_subscriptions_node = 10

The maximum number of subscriptions managed by a node. By default there is no limit.


  • Syntax: string
  • Default: "tree"
  • Example: nodetree = "tree"

Specifies the storage and organisation of the pubsub nodes. See the section below.


  • Syntax: boolean
  • Default: true
  • Example: ignore_pep_from_offline = false

Specifies whether or not we should get last published PEP items from users in our roster which are offline when we connect. The default option is true hence we will get only the last items from the online contacts.


  • Syntax: string, one of "mnesia", "rdbms", "false"
  • Default: "false"
  • Example: last_item_cache = "mnesia"

If enabled, PubSub will cache the last published items in the nodes. It may increase PubSub performance but at a price of an increased memory usage.


  • Syntax: array of strings
  • Default: ["flat"]
  • Example: plugins = ["flat", "pep"]

List of enabled pubsub plugins.


  • Syntax: Array of TOML tables with the following keys: "namespace", "node" and string values.
  • Default: []
  • Example: pep_mapping = [{namespace = "urn:xmpp:microblog:0", node = "mb"}]

This permits creating a Key-Value list to define a custom node plugin on a given PEP namespace. E.g. pair {"urn:xmpp:microblog:0", "mb"} will use module node_mb instead of node_pep when the specified namespace is used.


  • Syntax: TOML table with the following values: string, boolean or non-negative integer.
  • Default: {}
  • Example: default_node_config = {deliver_payloads = true, max_payload_size = 10000, node_type = "leaf"}

Overrides the default node configuration, regardless of the node plugin. Node configuration still uses the default configuration defined by the node plugin, and overrides any items by the value defined in this configurable list.

The possible options, altogether with their default values for each node plugin, are listed in the table below:

syntax node_flat / node_hometree node_pep node_dag node_push
access_model non-empty string open presence open whitelist
deliver_notifications boolean true true true true
deliver_payloads boolean true true true true
max_items non-negative integer 10 1 10 1
max_payload_size non-negative integer 60000 60000 60000 60000
node_type non-empty string N/A N/A leaf N/A
notification_type non-empty string headline headline headline headline
notify_config boolean false false false false
notify_delete boolean false false false false
notify_retract boolean false false false false
persist_items boolean true true true false
presence_based_delivery boolean false true false true
publish_model non-empty string publishers publishers publishers open
purge_offline boolean false false false false
roster_groups_allowed non-empty string [] [] [] []
send_last_published_item non-empty string never on_sub_and_presence never on_sub_and_presence
subscribe boolean true true true true


  • Syntax: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Example: item_publisher = false

When enabled, a JID of the publisher will be saved in the item metadata. This effectively makes them an owner of this item.


  • Syntax: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Example: sync_broadcast = false

If false, routing of notifications to subscribers is done in a separate Erlang process. As a consequence, some notifications may arrive to the subscribers in the wrong order (however, the two events would have to be published at the exact same time).

Cache Backend

Caching is disabled by default. You may enable it by specifying the backend it should use. It is not coupled with the main DB backend, so it is possible to store the cached data in mnesia, while the actual PubSub information is kept in RDBMS (and vice versa!).

Example Configuration

  access_createnode = "pubsub_createnode"
  ignore_pep_from_offline = false
  backend = "rdbms"
  last_item_cache = "mnesia"
  max_items_node = 1000
  plugins = ["flat", "pep"]

    namespace = "urn:xmpp:microblog:0"
    node = "mb"


Called on get, create and delete node. Only one nodetree can be used per host and is shared by all node plugins.


Stores nodes in a tree structure. Every node name must be formatted like a UNIX path (e.g. /top/middle/leaf). When a node is created, its direct ancestor must already exist, so in order to create /top/middle/leaf, /top/middle is needed. A user may create any top-level node. A user may create a subnode of a node, only if they own it or it was created by the service.


Provides experimental support for XEP-0248: PubSub Collection Nodes. In this case you should also add the "dag" node plugin as default, for example: plugins = ["dag", "flat", "hometree", "pep"].


They handle affiliations, subscriptions and items and also provide default node configuration and features. PubSub clients can define which plugin to use when creating a node by adding type='plugin-name' attribute to the create stanza element. If such an attribute is not specified, the default plugin will be the first on the plugin list.


No node hierarchy. It handles the standard PubSub case.


Uses the exact same features as the flat plugin but additionally organises nodes in a tree. Basically it follows a scheme similar to the filesystem's structure. Every user can create nodes in their own home root: e.g /home/user. Each node can contain items and/or sub-nodes.


Implementation of XEP-0163: Personal Eventing Protocol. In this case, items are not persisted but kept in an in-memory cache. When the pep plugin is enabled, a user can have their own node (exposed as their bare jid) with a common namespace. Requires module mod_caps to be enabled.

For XEP-0384: OMEMO Encryption, it might be required to configure the access_model to open or override the default access_model in the following way:

  access_createnode = "pubsub_createnode"
  plugins = ["pep"]
  default_node_config = {access_model = "open"}


Implementation of XEP-0248: PubSub Collection Nodes. Every node takes a place in a collection and becomes either a collection node (and have only sub-nodes) or a leaf node (contains only items).


Special node type that may be used as a target node for XEP-0357: Push Notifications capable services (e.g. mod_event_pusher_push). For each published notification, a hook push_notification is run. You may enable as many modules that support this hook (all module with mod_push_service_* name prefix) as you like (see for example mod_push_service_mongoosepush). This node type requires publish-options with at least device_id and service fields supplied.


If you'd like to learn more about metrics in MongooseIM, please visit the MongooseIM metrics page.

Overall PubSub action metrics

For every PubSub action, like node creation, subscription, publication the following metrics are available:

  • count - a counter metric showing the number of given action invocations
  • errors - a counter metric counting the errors for a given action
  • time - a histogram metric showing the time it took to finish the action in case of success

All PubSub metrics have a host_type label associated with them.

Below there is a table describing all metrics related to PubSub actions

Name Description (when it gets incremented)
mod_pubsub_get_affiliations_TYPE When node's affiliations are read
mod_pubsub_get_configure_TYPE When node's configuration is read
mod_pubsub_get_default_TYPE When node's defaults are read
mod_pubsub_get_items_TYPE When node's items are read
mod_pubsub_get_options_TYPE When node's options are read
mod_pubsub_get_subscriptions_TYPE When node's subscriptions are read
mod_pubsub_set_affiliations_TYPE When node's subscriptions are set
mod_pubsub_set_configure_TYPE When node's configuration is set
mod_pubsub_set_create_TYPE When node is created
mod_pubsub_set_delete_TYPE When node is deleted
mod_pubsub_set_options_TYPE When node's options are set
mod_pubsub_set_publish_TYPE When an item is published
mod_pubsub_set_purge_TYPE When node's items are purged
mod_pubsub_set_retract_TYPE When node's items are retracted
mod_pubsub_set_subscribe_TYPE When a subscriber subscribes to a node
mod_pubsub_set_subscriptions_TYPE When a subscription is set (for instance accepted)
mod_pubsub_set_unsubscribe_TYPE When a subscriber unsubscribes


  • TYPE is one of the following count, errors, time (described above the table)

For every PubSub action, like node creation, subscription, publication the following metrics are available:

  • count - a spiral metric showing the number of given action invocations
  • errors - a spiral metric counting the errors for a given action
  • time - a histogram metric showing the time it took to finish the action in case of success

Below there is a table describing all metrics related to PubSub actions

Name Description (when it gets incremented)
[HOST, pubsub, get, affiliations, TYPE] When node's affiliations are read
[HOST, pubsub, get, configure, TYPE] When node's configuration is read
[HOST, pubsub, get, default, TYPE] When node's defaults are read
[HOST, pubsub, get, items, TYPE] When node's items are read
[HOST, pubsub, get, options, TYPE] When node's options are read
[HOST, pubsub, get, subscriptions, TYPE] When node's subscriptions are read
[HOST, pubsub, set, affiliations, TYPE] When node's subscriptions are set
[HOST, pubsub, set, configure, TYPE] When node's configuration is set
[HOST, pubsub, set, create, TYPE] When node is created
[HOST, pubsub, set, delete, TYPE] When node is deleted
[HOST, pubsub, set, options, TYPE] When node's options are set
[HOST, pubsub, set, publish, TYPE] When an item is published
[HOST, pubsub, set, purge, TYPE] When node's items are purged
[HOST, pubsub, set, retract, TYPE] When node's items are retracted
[HOST, pubsub, set, subscribe, TYPE] When a subscriber subscribes to a node
[HOST, pubsub, set, subscriptions, TYPE] When a subscription is set (for instance accepted)
[HOST, pubsub, set, unsubscribe, TYPE] When a subscriber unsubscribes


  • HOST is the XMPP host for which mod_pubsub is running. Can be set to global if all metrics are set to be global.
  • TYPE is one of the following count, errors, time (described above the table)

Backend operations

mod_pubsub also provides detailed backend metrics measuring execution time of backend operations.

Prometheus metrics have a host_type and function labels associated with these metrics. Since Exometer doesn't support labels, the function as well as the host types, or word global, are part of the metric names, depending on the instrumentation.exometer.all_metrics_are_global option.

Backend in the action name can be either rdbms or mnesia.

Cache backend

Backend action Type Function Description (when it gets incremented)
mod_pubsub_cache_Backend_count counter upsert_last_item Last item is upserted into a node.
mod_pubsub_cache_Backend_time histogram upsert_last_item Time to upsert last item into a node.
mod_pubsub_cache_Backend_count counter delete_last_item Last item is deleted from a node.
mod_pubsub_cache_Backend_time histogram delete_last_item Time to delete last item from a node.
mod_pubsub_cache_Backend_count counter get_last_item Last item from a node is fetched.
mod_pubsub_cache_Backend_time histogram get_last_item Time to fetch the last item from a node.
Backend action Type Description (when it gets incremented)
[HostType, mod_pubsub_cache_Backend, upsert_last_item, count] spiral Last item is upserted into a node.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_cache_Backend, upsert_last_item, time] histogram Time to upsert last item into a node.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_cache_Backend, delete_last_item, count] spiral Last item is deleted from a node.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_cache_Backend, delete_last_item, time] histogram Time to delete last item from a node.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_cache_Backend, get_last_item, count] spiral Last item from a node is fetched.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_cache_Backend, get_last_item, time] histogram Time to fetch the last item from a node.

Database backend

Backend action Type Function Description (when it gets incremented)
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_count counter get_state User's state for a specific node is fetched.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_time histogram get_state Time to fetch user's state for a specific node.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_count counter get_states Node's states are fetched.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_time histogram get_states Time to fetch node's states.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_count counter get_states_by_lus Nodes' states for user + domain are fetched.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_time histogram get_states_by_lus Time to fetch the nodes' states for user + domain.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_count counter get_states_by_bare Nodes' states for bare JID are fetched.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_time histogram get_states_by_bare Time to fetch nodes' states for bare JID.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_count counter create_node A node's owner is set.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_time histogram create_node Time to set a node's owner.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_count counter del_node All data related to a node is removed.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_time histogram del_node Time to remove all data related to a node.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_count counter get_items Node's items are fetched.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_time histogram get_items Time to fetch node's items.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_count counter get_item A specific item from a node is fetched.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_time histogram get_item Time to fetch a specific item from a node.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_count counter add_item An item is upserted into a node.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_time histogram add_item Time to upsert an item into a node.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_count counter set_item An item is updated in a node.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_time histogram set_item Time to update an item in a node.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_count counter del_item An item is deleted from a node.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_time histogram del_item Time to delete an item from a node.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_count counter del_items Specified items are deleted from a node.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_time histogram del_items Time to delete specified items from a node.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_count counter set_node A node is upserted.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_time histogram set_node Time to upsert a node.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_count counter find_node_by_id A node is fetched by its ID.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_time histogram find_node_by_id Time to fetch a node by its ID.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_count counter find_nodes_by_key Nodes are fetched by key.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_time histogram find_nodes_by_key Time to fetch nodes by key.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_count counter find_node_by_name A node is fetched by its name.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_time histogram find_node_by_name Time to fetch a node by its name.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_count counter delete_node A node is deleted.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_time histogram delete_node Time to delete a node.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_count counter get_subnodes Subnodes of a node are fetched.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_time histogram get_subnodes Time to fetch the subnodes of a node.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_count counter get_subnodes_tree Full tree of subnodes of a node is fetched.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_time histogram get_subnodes_tree Time to fetch the full tree of subnodes of a node.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_count counter get_parentnodes_tree All parents of a node are fetched.
mod_pubsub_db_Backend_time histogram get_parentnodes_tree Time to fetch all parents of a node.
Backend action Type Description (when it gets incremented)
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, get_state, count] spiral User's state for a specific node is fetched.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, get_state, time] histogram Time to fetch user's state for a specific node.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, get_states, count] spiral Node's states are fetched.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, get_states, time] histogram Time to fetch node's states.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, get_states_by_lus, count] spiral Nodes' states for user + domain are fetched.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, get_states_by_lus, time] histogram Time to fetch the nodes' states for user + domain.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, get_states_by_bare, count] spiral Nodes' states for bare JID are fetched.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, get_states_by_bare, time] histogram Time to fetch nodes' states for bare JID.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, create_node, count] spiral A node's owner is set.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, create_node, time] histogram Time to set a node's owner.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, del_node, count] spiral All data related to a node is removed.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, del_node, time] histogram Time to remove all data related to a node.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, get_items, count] spiral Node's items are fetched.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, get_items, time] histogram Time to fetch node's items.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, get_item, count] spiral A specific item from a node is fetched.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, get_item, time] histogram Time to fetch a specific item from a node.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, add_item, count] spiral An item is upserted into a node.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, add_item, time] histogram Time to upsert an item into a node.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, set_item, count] spiral An item is updated in a node.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, set_item, time] histogram Time to update an item in a node.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, del_item, count] spiral An item is deleted from a node.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, del_item, time] histogram Time to delete an item from a node.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, del_items, count] spiral Specified items are deleted from a node.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, del_items, time] histogram Time to delete specified items from a node.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, set_node, count] spiral A node is upserted.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, set_node, time] histogram Time to upsert a node.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, find_node_by_id, count] spiral A node is fetched by its ID.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, find_node_by_id, time] histogram Time to fetch a node by its ID.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, find_nodes_by_key, count] spiral Nodes are fetched by key.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, find_nodes_by_key, time] histogram Time to fetch nodes by key.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, find_node_by_name, count] spiral A node is fetched by its name.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, find_node_by_name, time] histogram Time to fetch a node by its name.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, delete_node, count] spiral A node is deleted.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, delete_node, time] histogram Time to delete a node.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, get_subnodes, count] spiral Subnodes of a node are fetched.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, get_subnodes, time] histogram Time to fetch the subnodes of a node.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, get_subnodes_tree, count] spiral Full tree of subnodes of a node is fetched.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, get_subnodes_tree, time] histogram Time to fetch the full tree of subnodes of a node.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, get_parentnodes_tree, count] spiral All parents of a node are fetched.
[HostType, mod_pubsub_db_Backend, get_parentnodes_tree, time] histogram Time to fetch all parents of a node.