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The purpose of this method is to connect to an external REST API and delegate the authentication operations to it. The component must implement the API described below.

This method can be especially useful when the user database is shared with other services. It fits perfectly when the client application uses a custom authentication token and MongooseIM has to validate it externally.

Configuration options

The auth method uses an outgoing HTTP connection pool called auth, which has to be defined in the outgoing_pools section.

For additional configuration, the following options can be provided in the auth section:


  • Syntax: string
  • Default: not set
  • Example: basic_auth = "admin:secret"

Optional HTTP Basic Authentication in format "username:password" - used to authenticate MongooseIM in the HTTP service.



  basic_auth = "mongooseim:DzviNQw3qyGJDrJDu+ClyA"

Outgoing pools:

[outgoing_pools.http.auth] = "https://auth-service:8000"

SCRAM support

The http method can use the SASL SCRAM-* mechanisms. When SCRAM is enabled, the passwords sent to the auth service are serialised and the same serialised format is expected when fetching a password from the component.

It is transparent when MongooseIM is responsible for all DB operations such as password setting, account creation etc.

The service CAN perform the (de)serialization of SCRAM-encoded passwords. You can find more details on the SCRAM serialization page.


If you are using MongooseIM 4.1.0 to 6.3.1 with SCRAM authentication and OpenSSL >=3.4.1, a known issue affects hash calculation for algorithms stronger than SHA-1. See SCRAM hashing issue for details on how to resolve this.

Authentication service API

URL format

All GET requests include the following URL-encoded query string: ?user=<username>&server=<domain>&pass=<password>.

All POST requests have the following URL-encoded string in the request body: user=<username>&server=<domain>&pass=<password>.

If a certain method does not need a password, the value of pass is undefined, so it shouldn't be used.

Return codes

For the best integration, the return code range should not exceed the list below:

  • 500 - internal server error
  • 409 - conflict
  • 404 - not found
  • 403 - not allowed
  • 401 - not authorised
  • 400 - other error, should be sent in response body
  • 204 - success, no return data
  • 201 - created
  • 200 - success, return value in response body

Whenever the specification says "anything else", service should use one of the codes from the list above.

Some requests consider multiple return codes a "success". It is up to the server-side developer to pick one of the codes.

HTTP header Content-Length

IMPORTANT: The authentication server MUST include a Content-Length HTTP header in the response. A body can be missing in the first data chunk read from a socket, leading to strange authentication errors.

Method register

  • Description: Creates a user account.
  • HTTP method: POST
  • Type: mandatory when mod_register is enabled
  • Return values:
    • 201 - success
    • 409 - user already exists
    • anything else - will be treated as failure

Method check_password

  • Description: Must respond if the password is valid for the user.
  • HTTP method: GET
  • Type: mandatory when SCRAM is not used
  • Return values:
    • 200, true or false in the body
    • anything else - will be treated as false

Method get_password

  • Description: Must return the user's password in plaintext or in the SCRAM serialised form.
  • HTTP method: GET
  • Type: mandatory when SCRAM or DIGEST SASL mechanism is used
  • Return values:
    • 200, password in the body
    • anything else - get_password will fail

Method get_certs

  • Description: Must return all the valid certificates of a user in the PEM format.
  • HTTP method: GET
  • Type: mandatory when EXTERNAL SASL mechanism is used
  • Return values:
    • 200, all the user's certificates listed one after another (as in a PEM file)
    • anything else - get_certs will fail

Method user_exists

  • Description: Must return the information whether the user exists in DB.
  • HTTP method: GET
  • Type: mandatory
  • Return values:
    • 200, true or false in body
    • anything else - will be treated as false

Method set_password

  • Description: Must set user's password in the internal database to a provided value. The value should not be transformed (except for URL-decoding) before writing into the DB.
  • HTTP method: POST
  • Type: mandatory when mod_register is enabled
  • Return values:
    • 200 or 201 or 204 - success
    • anything else - will be treated as false

Method remove_user

  • Description: Removes a user account.
  • HTTP method: POST
  • Type: mandatory when mod_register is enabled
  • Return values:
    • 200 or 201 or 204 - success
    • 404 - user does not exist
    • 403 - not allowed for some reason
    • 40X - will be treated as bad request

Authentication service API recipes

Below you can find some examples of the auth service APIs and MongooseIM-side configuration along with use cases.

System using a common, custom auth token

An Auth token is provided as a password.

  • Service implements: check_password, user_exists
  • MongooseIM config: password.format: plain, mod_register disabled
  • Client side: Must NOT use the DIGEST-MD5 mechanism; use PLAIN instead

Central database of plaintext passwords

  • Service implements: check_password, get_password, user_exists
  • MongooseIM config: password.format: plain, mod_register disabled
  • Client side: May use any available SASL mechanism

Central database able to process SCRAM

  • Service implements: get_password, user_exists
  • MongooseIM config: password.format: scram, mod_register disabled
  • Client side: May use any available SASL mechanism

Godlike MongooseIM

  • Service implements: all methods
  • MongooseIM config: password.format: scram (recommended) or plain, mod_register enabled
  • Client side: May use any available SASL mechanism