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This authentication method can verify JSON Web Tokens provided by the clients. A wide range of signature algorithms is supported, including those using public key cryptography.

The module checks the signature and validity of the following parameters:

  • exp - an expired token is rejected,
  • iat - a token must be issued in the past,
  • nbf - a token might not be valid yet.

It requires the SASL PLAIN mechanism listed in sasl_mechanisms.

Configuration options


  • Syntax: TOML table with exactly one of the possible items listed below:
    • file - string, path to the file with the JWT secret,
    • env- string, environment variable name with the JWT secret,
    • value - string, the JWT secret value.
  • Default: no default, this option is mandatory
  • Example: secret.env = "JWT_SECRET"

This is the JWT secret used for the authentication. You can store it in a file, as an environment variable or specify it directly.


  • Syntax: string, one of: "HS256", "RS256", "ES256", "HS386", "RS386", "ES386", "HS512", "RS512", "ES512"
  • Default: no default, this option is mandatory
  • Example: algorithm = "HS512"

Name of the algorithm used to sign the JWT.


  • Syntax: string
  • Default: no default, this option is mandatory
  • Example: username_key = "user_name"

Name of the JWT key that contains the user name to verify.


  secret.value = "top-secret123"
  algorithm = "HS256"
  username_key = "user"