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Module Description

The module implements roster support, specified in RFC 6121. Includes support for XEP-0237: Roster Versioning. It can sometimes become quite a heavyweight feature, so there is an option to disable it.



  • Syntax: string, one of "one_queue", "no_queue", "queues", "parallel"
  • Default: "one_queue"

Strategy to handle incoming stanzas. For details, please refer to IQ processing policies.


  • Syntax: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Example: versioning = true

Turn on/off support for Roster Versioning.


  • Syntax: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Example: store_current_id = true

Stores the last roster hash in DB (used in Roster Versioning). Improves performance but should be disabled, when shared rosters are used.


  • Syntax: string, one of "mnesia", "rdbms"
  • Default: "mnesia"
  • Example: backend = "mnesia"

Example configuration

  versioning = true
  store_current_id = true


This module provides backend metrics. If you'd like to learn more about metrics in MongooseIM, please visit MongooseIM metrics page.

Prometheus metrics have a host_type and function labels associated with these metrics. Since Exometer doesn't support labels, the function as well as the host types, or word global, are part of the metric names, depending on the instrumentation.exometer.all_metrics_are_global option.

Backend in the action name can be either rdbms or mnesia.

Backend action Type Function Description (when it gets incremented)
mod_roster_Backend_count counter read_roster_version Version of a user's roster is retrieved.
mod_roster_Backend_time histogram read_roster_version Time to retrieve the version of a user's roster.
mod_roster_Backend_count counter write_roster_version Version of a user's roster is stored.
mod_roster_Backend_time histogram write_roster_version Time to store the version of a user's roster.
mod_roster_Backend_count counter get_roster A user's roster is fetched.
mod_roster_Backend_time histogram get_roster Time to fetch user's roster.
mod_roster_Backend_count counter get_roster_entry A specific roster entry is fetched.
mod_roster_Backend_time histogram get_roster_entry Time to fetch a specific roster entry.
mod_roster_Backend_count counter get_subscription_lists A subscription list of a user is retrieved.
mod_roster_Backend_time histogram get_subscription_lists Time to retrieve a subscription list of a user.
mod_roster_Backend_count counter roster_subscribe_t A subscription status between users is updated inside a transaction.
mod_roster_Backend_time histogram roster_subscribe_t Time to update a subscription status between users inside a transaction.
mod_roster_Backend_count counter update_roster_t A roster entry is updated in a transaction.
mod_roster_Backend_time histogram update_roster_t Time to update a roster entry in a transaction.
mod_roster_Backend_count counter del_roster_t A roster entry is removed inside a transaction.
mod_roster_Backend_time histogram del_roster_t Time to remove a roster entry inside a transaction.
Backend action Type Description (when it gets incremented)
[HostType, mod_roster_Backend, read_roster_version, count] spiral Version of a user's roster is retrieved.
[HostType, mod_roster_Backend, read_roster_version, time] histogram Time to retrieve the version of a user's roster.
[HostType, mod_roster_Backend, write_roster_version, count] spiral Version of a user's roster is stored.
[HostType, mod_roster_Backend, write_roster_version, time] histogram Time to store the version of a user's roster.
[HostType, mod_roster_Backend, get_roster, count] spiral A user's roster is fetched.
[HostType, mod_roster_Backend, get_roster, time] histogram Time to fetch user's roster.
[HostType, mod_roster_Backend, get_roster_entry, count] spiral A specific roster entry is fetched.
[HostType, mod_roster_Backend, get_roster_entry, time] histogram Time to fetch a specific roster entry.
[HostType, mod_roster_Backend, get_subscription_lists, count] spiral A subscription list of a user is retrieved.
[HostType, mod_roster_Backend, get_subscription_lists, time] histogram Time to retrieve a subscription list of a user.
[HostType, mod_roster_Backend, roster_subscribe_t, count] spiral A subscription status between users is updated inside a transaction.
[HostType, mod_roster_Backend, roster_subscribe_t, time] histogram Time to update a subscription status between users inside a transaction.
[HostType, mod_roster_Backend, update_roster_t, count] spiral A roster entry is updated in a transaction.
[HostType, mod_roster_Backend, update_roster_t, time] histogram Time to update a roster entry in a transaction.
[HostType, mod_roster_Backend, del_roster_t, count] spiral A roster entry is removed inside a transaction.
[HostType, mod_roster_Backend, del_roster_t, time] histogram Time to remove a roster entry inside a transaction.