View Source Metrics

MongoosePush 2.1 provides metrics in the Prometheus format on the /metrics endpoint. This is a breaking change compared to previous releases. Existing dashboards will need to be updated.

It is important to know that metrics are created inside MongoosePush only when a certain event happens. This may mean that a freshly started MongoosePush node will not have all the possible metrics available yet.

Default dashboard

MongoosePush 2.1.1 provides default Grafana dashboards where we can see some of the available metrics. You can create the dashboards using the following command:

make dashboards

This starts and configures two containers:

Once we login to the Grafana container with the default (login: admin, password: admin) credentials we can see two dashboards:

  • MongoosePush Metrics - displaying metrics related to notification send times and successful/failed connections.
  • MongoosePush VM - this dashboard contains metrics related to the VM like memory allocations or lengths of the run queues.

You can stop the docker containers that are running Grafana and Prometheus using the following command:

make clean-dashboards

Available metrics


For more details about the histogram metric type please go to

Notification sent time

mongoose_push_notification_send_time_microsecond_bucket{error_category=${CATEGORY},error_reason=${REASON},service=${SERVICE},status=${STATUS},le=${LE}} mongoose_push_notification_send_time_microsecond_sum{error_category=${CATEGORY},error_reason=${REASON},service=${SERVICE},status=${STATUS}} mongoose_push_notification_send_time_microsecond_count{error_category=${CATEGORY},error_reason=${REASON},service=${SERVICE},status=${STATUS}}


  • STATUS is "success" for the successful notifications or "error" in all other cases
  • SERVICE is either "apns" or "fcm"
  • CATEGORY is an arbitrary error category term (in case of status="error") or an empty string (when status="success")
  • REASON is an arbitrary error reason term (in case of status="error") or an empty string (when status="success")
  • LE defines the upper inclusive bound (less than or equal) values for buckets, currently 1000, 10_000, 25_000, 50_000, 100_000, 250_000, 500_000, 1000_000 or +Inf

This histogram metric shows the distribution of times needed to:

  1. Select a worker (this may include waiting time when all workers are busy).
  2. Send a request.
  3. Get a response from push notifications provider.
HTTP/2 requests

sparrow_h_worker_handle_duration_microsecond_bucket{le=${LE}} sparrow_h_worker_handle_duration_microsecond_sum{le=${LE}} sparrow_h_worker_handle_duration_microsecond_count{le=${LE}}


  • LE defines the upper inclusive bound (less than or equal) values for buckets, currently 1000, 10_000, 25_000, 50_000, 100_000, 250_000, 500_000, 1000_000 or +Inf

This histogram metric shows the distribution of times needed to handle and send a request. This includes:

  1. Open a new stream within an already established channel.
  2. Send a request.


A bucket of value 250_000 will keep the count of measurements that are less than or equal to 250_000. A measurement of value 51_836 will be added to all the buckets where the upper bound is greater than 51_836. In this case these are buckets 100_000, 250_000, 500_000, 1000_000 and +Inf


  • mongoose_push_supervisor_init_count{service=${SERVICE}} - Counts the number of push notification service supervisor starts. The SERVICE variable can take "apns" or "fcm" as a value. This metric is updated when MongoosePush starts, and later on when the underlying supervision tree is terminated and the error is propagated to the main application supervisor.
  • mongoose_push_apns_state_init_count - Counts the number of APNS state initialisations.
  • mongoose_push_apns_state_terminate_count - Counts the number of APNS state terminations.
  • mongoose_push_apns_state_get_default_topic_count - Counts the number of default topic reads from cache.
  • sparrow_h_worker_init_count - Counts the number of h2_worker starts.
  • sparrow_h_worker_terminate_count - Counts the number of h2_worker terminations.
  • sparrow_h_worker_conn_success_count - Counts the number of successful h2_worker connections.
  • sparrow_h_worker_conn_fail_count - Counts the number of failed h2_worker connections.
  • sparrow_h_worker_conn_lost_count - Counts the number of lost h2_worker connections.
  • sparrow_h_worker_request_success_count - Counts the number of successful h2_worker requests.
  • sparrow_h_worker_request_error_count - Counts the number of failed h2_worker requests.


  • sparrow_pools_warden_pools_gauge - Current number of worker pools.
  • sparrow_pools_warden_workers_gauge{pool=${POOL}} - Current number of workers operated by a given worker POOL.
  • vm_memory_total - Total amount of currently allocated memory.
  • vm_memory_processes - Amount of memory currently allocated for processes.
  • vm_memory_processes_used - Amount of memory currently used for processes.
  • vm_memory_binary - Amount of memory currently allocated for binaries.
  • vm_memory_ets - Amount of memory currently allocated for ETS tables.
  • vm_total_run_queue_lengths_total - A sum of all current run queue lengths.
  • vm_total_run_queue_lengths_cpu - A sum of current CPU schedulers' run queue lengths.
  • vm_system_counts_process_count - Number of process currently existing at the local node.

How to quickly see all metrics

curl -k

The above command assumes that MongoosePush runs on localhost and listens on port 8443. Please, mind the HTTPS protocol, metrics are hosted on the same port than all the other API endpoints.

Prometheus configuration

When configuring Prometheus, it's important to:

  • set the scheme to https,
  • set the insecure_skip_verify to true if the default self-signed certificates are used.
  - job_name: 'mongoose-push'
    scheme: 'https' #MongoosePush exposes encrypted endpoint - HTTPS
    tls_config: #The default certs used by MongoosePush are self-signed
      insecure_skip_verify: true #For checking purposes we can ignore certs verification
      - targets: ['mongoose-push:8443']
          group: 'production'