Module Description

This module provides support for vCards, as specified in XEP-0054: vcard-temp and XEP-0055: Jabber Search.


  • iqdisc (default: one_queue)
  • host (string, default: "vjud.@HOST@"): Domain of the vCard User Directory, used for searching. @HOST@ is replaced with the domain(s) supported by the cluster.
  • search (boolean, default: true): Enables/disables the domain set in the previous option. false makes searching for users impossible.
  • backend (atom, default: mnesia): vCard storage backend. Valid values are ldap, rdbms, riak and mnesia. Warning: LDAP backend is read-only.
  • matches (inifnity or positive integer, default: 30): Maxmimum search results to be returned to the user.
LDAP-specific options
  • ldap_vcard_map (list of {VCardField, LDAPPattern, LDAPField}, default: see description): Mappings between VCard and LDAP fields. For the default setting, please see [MongooseIM root]/src/mod_vcard_ldap.erl, line 74.
  • ldap_search_fields (list of {SearchField, LDAPField}, default: see description): Mappings between the human-readable search fields and LDAP fields. For the default setting, please see [MongooseIM root]/src/mod_vcard_ldap.erl, line 96.
  • ldap_search_reported (list of {SearchField, VCardField}, default: see description): Mappings between the human-readable search fields and VCard fields. For the default setting, please see [MongooseIM root]/src/mod_vcard_ldap.erl, line 109.
  • ldap_search_operator (or | and, default: and): A default operator used for search query items.
  • ldap_binary_search_fields (list of binaries, default: []): A list of search fields, which values should be Base64-encoded by MongooseIM before sending to LDAP.

Example Configuration

{mod_vcard, [ {allow_return_all, true},
              {search_all_hosts, true},
              {matches, 1},
              {search, true},
              {host, ""}


If you'd like to learn more about metrics in MongooseIM, please visit MongooseIM metrics page.

Name Type Description (when it gets incremented)
[global, backends, mod_vcard, set_vcard] histogram Time it takes to set a vCard in a DB.
[global, backends, mod_vcard, get_vcard] histogram Time it takes to fetch a specific vCard from a DB.
[global, backends, mod_vcard, search] histogram Time it takes to perform a vCard search in a DB.