View Source Configuration

The whole configuration is contained in the config/{prod|dev|test}.exs file, depending on which MIX_ENV you will be using. You should use MIX_ENV=prod for production installations and MIX_ENV=dev for your development.

Let's examine config/dev.exs.

RESTful API configuration

config :mongoose_push, MongoosePushWeb.Endpoint,
  https: [
    ip: {127, 0, 0, 1},
    port: 8443,
    keyfile: "priv/ssl/fake_key.pem",
    certfile: "priv/ssl/fake_cert.pem",
    otp_app: :mongoose_push

This part of the configuration relates only to the HTTPS endpoints exposed by MongoosePush. Here you can set an IP address (option: ip), a port, and paths to your HTTPS TLS certificates. You should ignore other options unless you are sure you know what you're doing (to learn more, explore phoenix documentation).

You may entirely skip the mongoose_push config entry to disable the HTTPS API and just use this project as an Elixir library.

FCM configuration

Let's take a look at a sample FCM service configuration:

config :mongoose_push, fcm: [
    default: [
        appfile: "path/to/token.json",
        endpoint: "localhost",
        pool_size: 5,
        mode: :prod,
        tls_opts: []

This is a definition of a pool - each pool has a name and a configuration. It is possible to have multiple named pools with different configuration, which includes pool size, environment mode, etc. Currently the only reason you may want to do this is to create separate production and development pools which may be selected by an HTTP client by specifying matching :mode in their push request.

Each FCM pool may be configured by setting the following fields:

  • appfile (required) - path to an FCM service account JSON file. Details on how to get one are in the Running from DockerHub section
  • pool_size (required) - maximum number of used HTTP/2 connections to google's service
  • mode (either :prod or :dev) - pool's mode. The HTTP client may select a pool used to push a notification by specifying a matching option in the request
  • endpoint (optional) - URL override for the FCM service. Useful mainly in tests
  • port (optional) - Port number override for the FCM service. Useful mainly in tests
  • tags (optional) - a list of tags. Used when choosing a pool to match the request tags when sending a notification. More details:
  • tls_opts (optional) - a list of raw options passed to the ssl:connect function call while connecting to FCM. When this option is omitted, it will default to a set of values that will verify the server certificate based on an internal CA chain. Providing this option overrides all defaults, effectively disabling certificate validation. Therefore passing this option is not recommended outside dev and test environments.

You may entirely skip the FCM config entry to disable FCM support.

APNS configuration

Lets take a look at a sample APNS service configuration:

config :mongoose_push, apns: [
   dev: [
     cert: "priv/apns/dev_cert.pem",
     key: "priv/apns/dev_key.pem",
     mode: :dev,
     use_2197: false,
     pool_size: 5,
     tls_opts: []
   prod: [
     cert: "priv/apns/prod_cert.pem",
     key: "priv/apns/prod_key.pem",
     mode: :prod,
     use_2197: false,
     pool_size: 5,
     tls_opts: []

Just like for FCM, at the top level we can specify the named pools that have different configurations. For APNS this is especially useful since Apple delivers different APS certificates for development and production use. The HTTP client can select a named pool by providing a matching :mode in the HTTP request.

Each APNS pool may be configured by setting the following fields:

  • cert (required) - relative path to APNS PEM certificate issued by Apple. This certificate has to be somewhere in the priv directory
  • key (required) - relative path to PEM private key for APNS certificate issued by Apple. This file has to be somewhere in the priv directory
  • pool_size (required) - maximum number of used HTTP/2 connections to the google's service
  • mode (either :prod or :dev) - pool's mode. The HTTP client may select a pool used to push a notification by specifying the matching option in the request
  • endpoint (optional) - URL override for APNS service. Useful mainly in tests
  • port (optional) - Port number override for APNS service. Useful mainly in tests
  • use_2197 (optional true or false) - whether to use an alternative port for APNS: 2197
  • tags (optional) - a list of tags. Used when choosing a pool to match the request tags when sending a notification. More details:
  • tls_opts (optional) - a list of raw options passed to the ssl:connect function call while connecting to APNS. When this option is omitted, it will default to a set of values that will verify the server certificate based on an internal CA chain. Providing this option overrides all defaults, effectively disabling certificate validation. Therefore passing this option is not recommended outside dev and test environments.

You may entirely skip the APNS config entry to disable APNS support.

Converting APNS files

If you happen to have APNS files in a pkcs12 format (.p12 or .pfx extension) you need to convert them to the PEM format which is understood by MongoosePush. Below you can find sample openssl commands which may be helpful.

Get cert from pkcs12 file
openssl pkcs12 -in YourAPNS.p12 -out YourCERT.pem -nodes -nokeys

Get key from pkcs12 file

openssl pkcs12 -in YourAPNS.p12 -out YourKEY.pem -nodes -nocerts

Environment variables

Environment variables to configure a production release.

Settings for HTTP endpoint:

  • PUSH_HTTPS_BIND_ADDR - Bind IP address of the HTTP endpoint. Default value in prod release is "", but docker overrides this with ""
  • PUSH_HTTPS_PORT - The port of the MongoosePush HTTP endpoint. Please note that docker exposes only 8443 port, so changing this setting is not recommended
  • PUSH_HTTPS_KEYFILE - Path to a PEM keyfile used for HTTP endpoint. This path should be either absolute or relative to root of the release (in the Docker container that's /opt/app). Default: priv/ssl/fake_key.pem.
  • PUSH_HTTPS_CERTFILE - Path to a PEM certfile used for HTTP endpoint. This path should be either absolute or relative to root of the release (in the Docker container that's /opt/app). Default: priv/ssl/fake_cert.pem.
  • PUSH_HTTPS_ACCEPTORS - Number of TCP acceptors to start

General settings:

  • PUSH_LOGLEVEL - debug/info/warning/error - Log level of the application. info is the default one
  • PUSH_LOGFORMAT - logfmt/json - Log format of the application. Defaults to logfmt for the dev and test environments, and to json for the prod environment.
  • PUSH_FCM_ENABLED - true/false - Enable or disable FCM support. Disabled by default
  • PUSH_APNS_ENABLED - true/false - Enable or disable APNS support. Disabled by default
  • TLS_SERVER_CERT_VALIDATION - true/false - Enable or disable TLS options for both FCM and APNS.
  • PUSH_OPENAPI_EXPOSE_SPEC - true/false - Enable or disable OpenAPI specification endpoint support. If enabled, it will be available on /swagger.json HTTP path. Disabled by default
  • PUSH_OPENAPI_EXPOSE_UI - true/false - Enable or disable SwaggerUI. If enabled, it will be available on /swaggerui. Disabled by default. Requires PUSH_OPENAPI_EXPOSE_SPEC to also be enabled.

Settings for FCM service:

  • PUSH_FCM_ENDPOINT - Hostname of the FCM service. Set only for local testing. By default this option points to the Google's official hostname
  • PUSH_FCM_APP_FILE - Path to the FCM service account JSON file. For details look at Running from DockerHub section
  • PUSH_FCM_POOL_SIZE - Connection pool size for the FCM service

Settings for development APNS service:

  • PUSH_APNS_DEV_ENDPOINT - Hostname of the APNS service. Set only for local testing. By default this option points to the Apple's official hostname
  • PUSH_APNS_DEV_CERT - Path to Apple's development certfile used to communicate with APNS
  • PUSH_APNS_DEV_KEY - Path to Apple's development keyfile used to communicate with APNS
  • PUSH_APNS_DEV_KEY_ID - Key ID generated from Apple's developer console. For details look at the Running from DockerHub section required for token authentication
  • PUSH_APNS_DEV_TEAM_ID - TEAM ID generated from Apple's developer console. For details look at the Running from DockerHub section required for token authenticaton
  • PUSH_APNS_DEV_P8_TOKEN - Token generated from Apple's developer console. For details look at the Running from DockerHub section
  • PUSH_APNS_DEV_USE_2197 - true/false - Enable or disable the use of an alternative 2197 port for APNS connections in development mode. Disabled by default
  • PUSH_APNS_DEV_POOL_SIZE - Connection pool size for APNS service in development mode
  • PUSH_APNS_DEV_DEFAULT_TOPIC - Default APNS topic to be set if the client app doesn't specify it with the API call. If this option is not set, MongoosePush will try to extract this value from the provided APNS certificate (the first topic will be assumed default). DEV certificates normally don't provide any topics, so this option can be safely left unset

Settings for production APNS service:

  • PUSH_APNS_PROD_ENDPOINT - Hostname of the APNS service. Set only for local testing. By default this option points to the Apple's official hostname
  • PUSH_APNS_PROD_CERT - Path to Apple's production certfile used to communicate with APNS
  • PUSH_APNS_PROD_KEY - Path to Apple's production keyfile used to communicate with APNS
  • PUSH_APNS_PROD_KEY_ID - Key ID generated from Apple's developer console. For details look at the Running from DockerHub section required for token authentication
  • PUSH_APNS_PROD_TEAM_ID - TEAM ID generated from Apple's developer console. For details look at the Running from DockerHub section required for token authenticaton
  • PUSH_APNS_PROD_P8_TOKEN - Token generated from Apple's developer console. For details look at the Running from DockerHub section
  • PUSH_APNS_PROD_USE_2197 - true/false - Enable or disable the use of an alternative 2197 port for APNS connections in production mode. Disabled by default
  • PUSH_APNS_PROD_POOL_SIZE - Connection pool size for APNS service in production mode
  • PUSH_APNS_PROD_DEFAULT_TOPIC - Default APNS topic to be set if the client app doesn't specify it with the API call. If this option is not set, MongoosePush will try to extract this value from the provided APNS certificate (the first topic will be assumed default)

TOML schema

IMPORTANT: When a configuration option is defined in TOML file it can't be overwritten by environmental variables. You can use both methods for different options though.

General keys

  • general.logging.level (string, optional) - One of: debug/info/warning/error. If not set, falls back to the environment variable PUSH_LOGLEVEL or its default.
  • general.logging.format (string, optional) - One of: logfmt/json - Log format of the application. If not set, falls back to the environment variable PUSH_LOGFORMAT or its default.
  • general.https.bind.addr (string, optional) - Bind IP address of the HTTPS endpoint. If not set, falls back to the environment variable PUSH_HTTPS_BIND_ADDR or its default.
  • general.https.bind.port (integer, optional) - Port of the HTTPS endpoint. If not set, falls back to the environment variable PUSH_HTTPS_PORT or its default.
  • general.https.num_acceptors (integer, optional) - Number of TCP acceptors to start. If not set, falls back to the environment variable PUSH_HTTPS_ACCEPTORS or its default.
  • general.https.certfile (string, optional) - Path to a PEM certfile used for HTTPS endpoint. If not set, falls back to the environment variable PUSH_HTTPS_CERTFILE or its default. See PUSH_HTTPS_CERTFILE documentation for more details.
  • general.https.keyfile (string, optional) - Path to a PEM keyfile used for HTTPS endpoint. If not set, falls back to the environment variable PUSH_HTTPS_KEYFILE or its default. See PUSH_HTTPS_KEYFILE documentation for more details.
  • general.https.cacertfile (string, optional) - Path to a PEM cacertfile used for HTTPS endpoint. If not set, falls back to the environment variable PUSH_HTTPS_CERTFILE or its default. See PUSH_HTTPS_CERTFILE documentation for more details.
  • general.openapi.expose_spec (boolean, optional) - Enable or disable OpenAPI specification endpoint. If enabled, it will be available on /swagger.json HTTP path. If not set, falls back to the environment variable PUSH_OPENAPI_EXPOSE_SPEC or its default.
  • general.openapi.expose_ui (boolean, optional) - Enable or disable SwaggerUI. If enabled, it will be available on /swaggerui HTTP path. If not set, falls back to the environment variable PUSH_OPENAPI_EXPOSE_UI or its default.

FCM keys

[[service.fcm]] (array, optional) - TOML Array representing a single FCM connection pool. Can have its own connection details like auth, and can be defined with a unique set of tags that can be later used when sending notifications to find a proper connection pool. If no service.fcm array entry is provided, FCM will be disabled. All following TOML keys are valid for any service.fcm array entry:

  • service.fcm.tags (list(string), optional) - List of tags to identify this connection pool. When sending push notifications, you can provide a similar list of tags to "select" a correct connection pool. Notifications will be send only via a connection pool that defines all tags provided along with a notification request.
  • service.fcm.connection.endpoint (string, optional) - Domain/Host of the FCM server. You should leave this not set to use official FCM servers.
  • service.fcm.connection.port (integer, optional) - Port of the FCM server. You should leave this not set to use official FCM servers.
  • service.fcm.connection.count (integer, optional) - Number of connections to open. Default is 5.
  • service.fcm.auth.appfile (string, optional) - Path to the FCM "app file" from the FCM admin console. This path should be either absolute, or relative to root dir of the release (in Docker container that would be /opt/app). Default: priv/fcm/token.json.

APNS keys

[[service.apns]] (array, optional) - TOML Array representing a single APNS connection pool. Can have its own connection details like auth, and can be defined with a unique set of tags that can be later used when sending notifications to find a proper connection pool. If no service.apns array entry is provided, APNS will be disabled. All following TOML keys are valid for any service.apns array entry:

  • service.apns.tags (list(string), optional) - List of tags to identify this connection pool. When sending push notifications, you can provide a similar list of tags to "select" a correct connection pool. Notifications will be send only via a connection pool that defines all tags provided along with the notification request.
  • service.apns.connection.endpoint (string, optional) - Domain/Host of APNS server. You should leave this not set to use the official APNS servers.
  • service.apns.connection.use_2197 (boolean, optional) - Port of APNS server (2197 or default). You should leave this not set to use the official APNS servers.
  • service.apns.connection.count (integer, optional) - Number of connections to open. Default is 5.

If token authentication is to be used:

  • service.apns.auth.token.key_id (string, required) - "Key ID" for this APNS token. See APNS documentation for more details.
  • service.apns.auth.token.team_id (string, required) - "Team ID" for this APNS token. See APNS documentation for more details.
  • service.apns.auth.token.tokenfile (string, required) - Path to this APNS token P8 file. This path should be either absolute, or relative to the root dir of the release (in the Docker container that would be /opt/app).

If the certificate authentication is to be used:

  • service.apns.auth.certificate.keyfile (string, required) - Path to the PEM encoded keyfile. This path should be either absolute, or relative to root dir of the release (in the Docker container that would be /opt/app).
  • service.apns.auth.certificate.certfile (string, required) - Path to the PEM encoded certfile. This path should be either absolute, or relative to root dir of the release (in the Docker container that would be /opt/app).

Please note that only one method of authentication can be used for any given pool. This means that setting service.apns.auth.certificate excludes service.apns.auth.token and vice versa. Providing both will result in a configuration error.

Example configuration

    level = "info"
    bind = { addr = "", port = 8443 }
    num_acceptors = 100
    certfile = "priv/ssl/fake_cert.pem"
    keyfile = "priv/ssl/fake_key.pem"
    cacertfile = "priv/ssl/fake_cert.pem"
    expose_spec = true
    expose_ui = false

  tags = ["tag1", "tag2"]
    endpoint = "localhost"
    port = 443
    count = 10
    appfile = "priv/fcm/token.json"

  tags = ["another1", "another2"]
    endpoint = "localhost"
    port = 443
    count = 10
    appfile = "priv/fcm/token.json"

  mode = "dev"
  default_topic = "some.topic"
  tags = ["tag1", "tag2"]
    endpoint = "localhost"
    use_2197 = true
    count = 10
    key_id = "some id"
    team_id = "my team"
    tokenfile = "priv/apns/token.p8"

  mode = "prod"
  default_topic = "some.topic"
  tags = ["tag1", "tag2"]
    endpoint = "localhost"
    use_2197 = false
    count = 10
    keyfile = "priv/apns/dev_key.pem"
    certfile = "priv/apns/dev_cert.pem"