View Source Local build


  • Elixir 1.5+ (
  • Erlang/OTP 19.3+

    NOTE: Some Erlang/OTP 20.x releases / builds contain a TLS bug that prevents connecting to APNS servers. When building with this Erlang version, please make sure that the MongoosePushRuntimeTest test suite passes. It is however highly recommended to build MongoosePush with Erlang/OTP 21.x.

  • Rebar3 (just enter mix local.rebar)

Production release

The build step is really easy. Just type in the root of the repository:

MIX_ENV=prod mix do deps.get, compile,, release

After this step you may try to run the service via:

_build/prod/rel/mongoose_push/bin/mongoose_push foreground

Yeah, I know... It crashed. Running this service is fast and simple but unfortunately you can't have push notifications without a properly configured FCM and/or APNS service. You can find out how to properly configure it in the configuration section.

Development release

Again, an easy step:

MIX_ENV=dev mix do deps.get, compile,, release

The development release is by default configured to connect to a local APNS / FCM mock. This configuration may be changed as needed in the config/dev.exs file. For now, let's just start those mocks so that we can use the default dev configuration:

docker-compose -f test/docker/docker-compose.mocks.yml up -d

After this step you may try to run the service via:

_build/dev/rel/mongoose_push/bin/mongoose_push console