View Source Running tests

One thing that you need to do once before running any tests is generating fake certificates for APNS/HTTPS (it doesn't matter which MIX_ENV you run this in):


Also, you'll need to have docker-compose installed and present in your path to run any tests.


# Unit tests
MIX_ENV=test mix do test.env.up, test, test.env.down

# Integration tests
MIX_ENV=integration mix do test.env.up, test, test.env.down

Basic tests (non-release)

Basic tests require FCM and APNS mock services to be present at the time of running the tests:

# We start the mocks
mix test.env.up

# Now we can just run tests
mix test

# Optionally we can shut the mocks down. If you want to rerun the tests, you may skip this step so that
# you don't need to re-invoke `mix test.env.up`. Mocks are being reset by each test separately,
# so you don't need to worry about their state.
mix test.env.down

Integration tests (using production-grade release)

Integration tests can be run in exactly the same way as described above for "basic" tests, with one exception: All Mix commands need to be invoked in the MIX_ENV=integration environment:

# We start the mocks AND MongoosePush docker container.
# This may take a few minutes on the first run, as the MongoosePush docker image needs
# to be built from scratch. Subsequent runs should be much faster.
# You need to rerun this command each time you make changes in the app code,
# as MongoosePush needs to be rebuilt and redeployed!
MIX_ENV=integration mix test.env.up

# Now we can just run tests
MIX_ENV=integration mix test

# Optionally we can shut the mocks down. If you want to rerun tests, you may skip this step. To do that
# you don't need to re-invoke `mix test.env.up`. Mocks are being reset by each test separately,
# so you don't need to worry about their state.
MIX_ENV=integration mix test.env.down

Test environment setup

  • mix test.env.up - runs docker-compose up -d --build with the following compose files:
    • for MIX_ENV=test and MIX_ENV=dev: test/docker/docker-compose.mocks.yml
    • for MIX_ENV=integration: test/docker/docker-compose.mocks.yml and test/docker/docker-compose.mpush.yml
  • mix test.env.down - runs docker-compose down on the same compose files as mix test.env.up
  • mix test.env.wait X - waits up to X milliseconds for the services from mix test.env.up to become available. Prints an error if they don't.