Module Description

This module is a backend of mod_event_pusher that enables support for the Amazon SNS service. Currently there are 3 available notifications:

  • user presence changed - Carries the user id (bare jid by default) and a boolean field corresponding to the current user online status.
  • private message sent - Carries the user ids (both sender and receiver) along with the message body.
  • group message sent - Carries the user id and the room id (bare jids by default) along with the message body.

All these notifications are sent as a JSON string to Amazon SNS along with custom MessageAttributes (see MessageAttributes can be specified via a plugin module (more details in Options section).

Full topics for notifications (ARN as defined in Amazon Resource Names) are constructed as arn:aws:sns:{region}:{account_id}:{topic} where {region} and {account_id} are substituted with corresponding values from configuration options. {topic} is pulled from configuration option presence_updates_topic, pm_messages_topic or muc_messages_topic based on the notification type.


  • presence_updates_topic (string, default: unset) - Defines Amazon SNS Topic for presence change notifications. Remove this option to disable these notifications.
  • pm_messages_topic (string, default: unset) - Defines Amazon SNS Topic for private message notifications. Remove this option to disable these notifications.
  • muc_messages_topic (string, default: unset) - Defines Amazon SNS Topic for group message notifications. Remove this option to disable these notifications.
  • plugin_module (atom, default: 'mod_event_pusher_sns_defaults') - Sets a callback module used for creating user's GUID used in notifications (from user's JID) and for defining custom attributes attached to a published SNS message.
  • muc_host (string, default: "conference.@HOST@") - Messages from this MUC host will be sent to the set SNS topic for MUCs.
  • sns_host (string, default: unset) - URL to the Amazon SNS service. The URL may be in virtual host form, and for AWS needs to point at a specific regional endpoint. The scheme, port and path specified in the URL will be used to publish notifications via HTTP POST method.
  • region (string, default: unset) - The AWS region to use for requests.
  • access_key_id (string, default: unset) - ID of the access key to use for authorization.
  • secret_access_key (string, default: unset) - Secret access key to use for authorization.
  • account_id (string, default: unset) - 12 digit number as defined in AWS Account Identifiers to use for creating TopicArn for publishing notifications.
  • pool_size (integer, default: 100) - Worker pool size for publishing notifications
  • publish_retry_count (integer, default: 2) - Retry count in case of a publish error
  • publish_retry_time_ms (integer, default: 50) - Base exponential backoff time (in ms) for publish errors

Example configuration

{mod_event_pusher, [
    {backends, [
        {sns, [
            {access_key_id, "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE"},
            {secret_access_key, "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY"},
            {region, "eu-west-1"},
            {account_id, "123456789012"},
            {sns_host, ""},
            {plugin_module, mod_event_pusher_sns_defaults},
            {presence_updates_topic, "user_presence_updated"},
            {pm_messages_topic, "user_message_sent"},
            {muc_messages_topic, "user_messagegroup_sent"},
            {pool_size, 100},
            {publish_retry_count, 2},
            {publish_retry_time_ms, 50}

JSON Schema examples

The different kinds of notifications deliver slightly different messages. The messages are delivered in a JSON format.

Presence updates

The JSON format for an online presence update notification is:

    "user_id": "alice@localhost",
    "present": true

For offline presence updates, the present boolean value is set to false:

    "user_id": "alice@localhost",
    "present": false

Sent messages

The JSON format for a private message notification is:

    "to_user_id": "bob@localhost",
    "message": "Hello, Bob",
    "from_user_id": "alice@localhost"

The notification is similar for group messages except that the to_user_id is the recipient room JID. For example:

    "to_user_id": "muc_publish@muc.localhost",
    "message": "Hi, Everyone!",
    "from_user_id": "bob@localhost"