MongooseIM can be configured to talk to external services like databases or HTTP servers in order to get or set the required data. The interface for outgoing connections management was unified and is now available via the outgoing_pools config option for the following type of connections:

  • cassandra - pool of connections to Cassandra cluster
  • riak - pool of connections to Riak cluster
  • redis - pool of connections to Redis server
  • http - pool of connections to an HTTP(S) server MongooseIM can talk to, for example HTTP authentication backend or HTTP notifications
  • elastic - pool of connections to ElasticSearch server
  • rdbms - pool of connections to an RDBMS database
  • rabbit - pool of connections to a RabbitMQ server
  • ldap - pool of connections to an LDAP server
  • generic - pool of generic workers not associated directly with a particular connection

  • Syntax: Each pool is specified in a subsection starting with [outgoing_pools.type.tag], where type is one of available connection types and tag is an arbitrary value uniquely identifying the pool within its type. This allows you to create multiple dedicated pools of the same type.

General pool options


  • Syntax: string, one of:"global", "host", "single_host"
  • Default: "global"
  • Example: scope = "host"


  • Syntax: string
  • Default: no default; required if "single_host" scope is specified
  • Example: host = ""

scope can be set to: * global - meaning that the pool will started once no matter how many XMPP hosts are served by MongooseIM * host - the pool will be started for each XMPP host served by MongooseIM * single_host - the pool will be started for the selected host only (you must provide a host name).

Worker pool options

All pools are managed by the inaka/worker_pool library.

Available options are:


  • Syntax: string, one of:"best_worker", "random_worker", "next_worker", "available_worker", "next_available_worker"
  • Default: "best_worker"
  • Example: strategy = "available_worker"

Defines worker seletion strategy. Consult worker_pool documentation for details.


  • Syntax: positive integer
  • Default: 100
  • Example: workers = 10

Number of workers to be started by the pool.


  • Syntax: positive integer
  • Default: 5000
  • Example: call_timeout = 5000

Number of milliseconds after which a call to the pool will time out.

Connection options

Options specific to a pool connection are defined in a subsection starting with [outgoing_pools.*.*.connection]. For example:

  scope = "global"
  workers = 5


RDBMS options


  • Syntax: string, one of "pgsql", "mysql" or "odbc" (a supported driver)
  • Example: driver = "psgql"

Selects driver for RDBMS connection. The choice of driver impacts the set of available options.


  • Syntax: positive integer
  • Default: 60000 (msec)
  • Example: call_timeout = 60000

RDBMS pool sets its own default value of this option.

ODBC options


  • Syntax: string
  • Default: no default; required if the "odbc" driver is specified
  • Example: settings = "DSN=mydb"

ODBC - specific string defining connection parameters.

ODBC SSL connection setup

If you've configured MongooseIM to use an ODBC driver, then the SSL options, along other connection options, should be present in the ~/.odbc.ini file.

To enable SSL connection the sslmode option needs to be set to verify-full. Additionally, you can provide the path to the CA certificate using the sslrootcert option.

Example ~/.odbc.ini configuration
Driver      = ...
ServerName  = ...
Port        = ...
sslmode     = verify-full
sslrootcert = /path/to/ca/cert

Other RDBMS backends


  • Syntax: string
  • Example: host = "localhost"


  • Syntax: string
  • Example: database = "mim-db"


  • Syntax: string
  • Example: username = "mim-user"


  • Syntax: string
  • Example: password = "mim-password"


  • Syntax: positive integer
  • Default: undefined (keep-alive not activated)
  • Example: keepalive_interval = 30

When enabled, MongooseIM will send SELECT 1 query through every DB connection at given interval to keep them open. This option should be used to ensure that database connections are restarted after they became broken (e.g. due to a database restart or a load balancer dropping connections). Currently, not every network-related error returned from a database driver to a regular query will imply a connection restart.

HTTP options


  • Syntax: "http[s]://string[:integer]"
  • Example: host = ""


  • Syntax: string
  • Default: "/"
  • Example: path_prefix = "/api/auth/"

Initial part of path which will be common to all calls. Prefix will be automatically prepended to path specified by a call to the pool.


  • Syntax: positive integer
  • Default: 2000 (milliseconds)
  • Example: request_timeout = 5000

Number of milliseconds after which http call to the server will time out. It should be lower than call_timeout set at the pool level.

HTTP also supports all TLS-specific options described in the TLS section.

Redis-specific options

Redis can be used as a session manager backend. Global distribution (implemented in mod_global_distrib) requires Redis pool.

There are two important limitations:

  • for a session backend, the Tag parameter has to be equal to default
  • redis backend is not compatible with available_worker strategy.


  • Syntax: string
  • Default: ""
  • Example: host = "redis.local"


  • Syntax: integer, between 0 and 65535, non-inclusive
  • Default: 6379
  • Example: port = 9876


  • Syntax: non-negative integer
  • Default: 0
  • Example: database = 2

Logical database index (zero-based).


  • Syntax: string
  • Default: ""
  • Example: password = "topsecret"

Riak options

Currently only one Riak connection pool can exist for each supported XMPP host (the default pool).

WARNING: riak backend is not compatible with available_worker strategy.


  • Syntax: string
  • Example: address = ""


  • Syntax: integer
  • Example: port = 8087


  • Syntax: {user = "username", password = "pass"}
  • Default: none
  • Example: credentials = {user = "myuser", password = "tisismepasswd"}

This is optional - setting this option forces connection over TLS

Riak also supports all TLS-specific options described in the TLS section.

Cassandra options


  • Syntax: a TOML array of tables containing keys "ip_adddress" and "port"
  • Default: [{ip_address = "localhost", port = 9042}]
  • Example: servers = [{ip_address = "host_one", port = 9042}, {ip_address = "host_two", port = 9042}]


  • Syntax: string
  • Default: "mongooseim"
  • Example: keyspace = "big_mongooseim_database"

To use plain text authentication (using cqerl_auth_plain_handler module):


  • Syntax: string
  • Example: username = "auser"


  • Syntax: string
  • Example: password = "somesecretpassword"

Support for other authentication modules may be added in the future.

Cassandra also supports all TLS-specific options described in the TLS section.

Elasticsearch options

Currently only one pool tagged default can be used.

  • Syntax: string
  • Default: "localhost"
  • Example: host = "otherhost"


  • Syntax: positive integer
  • Default: 9200
  • Example: port = 9211

MongooseIM uses inaka/tirerl library to communicate with ElasticSearch. This library uses worker_pool in a bit different way than MongooseIM does, so the following options are not configurable:

  • call_timeout (infinity)
  • worker selection strategy (available_worker or what's set as default_strategy of worker_pool application)

The only pool-related variable you can tweak is thus the number of workers.

Run the following function in the MongooseIM shell to verify that the connection has been established:

1> mongoose_elasticsearch:health().
{ok,#{<<"active_primary_shards">> => 15,<<"active_shards">> => 15,
       <<"active_shards_percent_as_number">> => 50.0,
       <<"cluster_name">> => <<"docker-cluster">>,
       <<"delayed_unassigned_shards">> => 0,
       <<"initializing_shards">> => 0,
       <<"number_of_data_nodes">> => 1,
       <<"number_of_in_flight_fetch">> => 0,
       <<"number_of_nodes">> => 1,
       <<"number_of_pending_tasks">> => 0,
       <<"relocating_shards">> => 0,
       <<"status">> => <<"yellow">>,
       <<"task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis">> => 0,
       <<"timed_out">> => false,
       <<"unassigned_shards">> => 15}}

Note that the output might differ based on your ElasticSearch cluster configuration.

RabbitMQ options

The Tag parameter must be set to event_pusher in order to be able to use the pool for mod_event_pusher_rabbit. Any other Tag can be used for other purposes.


  • Syntax: string
  • Default: "localhost"
  • Example: amqp_host = "anotherhost"


  • Syntax: integer
  • Default: 5672
  • Example: amqp_port = 4561


  • Syntax: string
  • Default: "guest"
  • Example: amqp_username = "corpop"


  • Syntax: string
  • Default: "guest"
  • Example: amqp_password = "guest"


  • Syntax: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Example: confirms_enabled = false

Enables/disables one-to-one publishers confirms.


  • Syntax: non-negative integer or "infinity"
  • Default: 1000
  • Example: max_worker_queue_len = "infinity"

Sets a limit of messages in a worker's mailbox above which the worker starts dropping the messages. If a worker message queue length reaches the limit, messages from the head of the queue are dropped until the queue length is again below the limit. Use infinity to disable.

LDAP options


  • Syntax: an array of strings
  • Default: ["localhost"]
  • Example: servers = ["ldap_one", "ldap_two"]


  • Syntax: integer
  • Default: 389 (or 636 if encryption is enabled)
  • Example: port = 800


  • Syntax: string
  • Default: empty string
  • Example: rootdn = "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com"

Leaving out this option makes it an anonymous connection, which most likely is what you want.


  • Syntax: string
  • Default: empty string
  • Example: password = "topsecret"


  • Syntax: integer
  • Default: 10000
  • Example: connect_interval = 20000

Reconnect interval after a failed connection.


  • Syntax: string, one of: "none" or "tls"
  • Default: "none"
  • Example: encrypt = "tls"

LDAP also supports all TLS-specific options described in the TLS section (provided encrypt is set to tls).

TLS options

TLS options for a given pool type/tag pair are defined in a subsection starting with [outgoing_pools.[pool_type].[pool_tag].connection.tls].


  • Syntax: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Example: tls.required = true

This option is Postgresql-specific, doesn't apply in other cases.


  • Syntax: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Example: tls.verify_peer = true

Enforces verification of a client certificate. Requires a valid cacertfile.


  • Syntax: string, path in the file system
  • Default: not set
  • Example: tls.certfile = "server.pem"

Path to the X509 PEM file with a certificate and a private key (not protected by a password). If the certificate is signed by an intermediate CA, you should specify here the whole CA chain by concatenating all public keys together and appending the private key after that.


  • Syntax: string, path in the file system
  • Default: not set
  • Example: tls.cacertfile = "ca.pem"

Path to the X509 PEM file with a CA chain that will be used to verify clients. It won't have any effect if verify_peer is not enabled.


  • Syntax: string, path in the file system
  • Default: not set
  • Example: tls.dhfile = "dh.pem"

Path to the Diffie-Hellman parameter file.


  • Syntax: string, path in the file system
  • Default: not set
  • Example: tls.keyfile = "key.pem"

Path to the X509 PEM file with the private key.


  • Syntax: string
  • Default: not set
  • Example: tls.password = "secret"

Password to the X509 PEM file with the private key.


  • Syntax: array of tables with the following keys: cipher, key_exchange, mac, prf and string values.
  • Default: not set, all supported cipher suites are accepted
  • Example: tls.ciphers = "[{cipher = "aes_25_gcm", key_exchange = "any", mac = "aead", "prf = sha384"}]"

Cipher suites to use. For allowed values, see the Erlang/OTP SSL documentation


  • Syntax: list of strings
  • Default: not set, all supported versions are accepted
  • Example: tls.versions = ["tlsv1.2", "tlsv1.3"]

Cipher suites to use. For allowed values, see the Erlang/OTP SSL documentation


  • Syntax: boolean
  • Default: true
  • Example: tls.server_name_indication = false

Enables SNI extension to TLS protocol.