Configuring logging

The main configuration for logging is in the Application Config file. You can find it in mongooseim/etc/app.config in the release directory.

Primary log level

Primary log level sets maximum log level in the system. This check is applied for any event in the system before the event is passed to any handler.

Primary log level, that is used before MongooseIM config is loaded:

    {kernel, [
         {logger_level, notice}

Once MongooseIM config is loaded, the loglevel option from mongooseim.toml is used instead.

Primary filters

Functions from the filters section are applied for any message once it passes the primary log level check.

Keep that configuration block as it is, unless you are planning to extend the filtering logic.

[{kernel, [
  {logger, [
    %% Default filters applied to all events before passing them to handlers:
    {filters, log, [
           %% If we want to see complete accumulator in logs
        %  {preserve_acc_filter, {fun mongoose_log_filter:preserve_acc_filter/2, no_state}},
           {format_packet_filter, {fun mongoose_log_filter:format_packet_filter/2, no_state}},
           {format_acc_filter, {fun mongoose_log_filter:format_acc_filter/2, no_state}},
           {format_c2s_state_filter, {fun mongoose_log_filter:format_c2s_state_filter/2, no_state}},
           {format_stacktrace_filter, {fun mongoose_log_filter:format_stacktrace_filter/2, no_state}}

preserve_acc_filter filter is disabled by default, but could be enabled, if you are interested in debugging the accumulator logic (see the mongoose_acc module).

Shell log handler

    {handler, shell_log, logger_std_h, #{
         %% Default log level for handlers is to log everything, that
         %% passes primary log level and module log levels
         level => all,
         formatter => {mongoose_flatlog_formatter, #{
           map_depth => 3,
           term_depth => 50

File log handler

  • Controls what and how MongooseIM prints into files.
  • Erlang OTP docs for logger_disk_log_h
  • You can have several file handlers.
  • File handlers should have different handler IDs (i.e. disk_log, disk_json_log)
  • There are two file log handlers defined by default: one that formats in JSON and one that formats in Logfmt format (key=value pairs).
  • Both JSON and Logfmt handlers are enabled by default. We recommend to disable handlers, that you are not using. This could improve performance greatly. To disable them, just remove them from app.config.
  • Check information below about log formatters.
    {handler, disk_log, logger_disk_log_h, #{
         level => all,
         config => #{
           file => "{{mongooseim_log_dir}}/mongooseim.log",
           type => wrap,
           max_no_files => 5,
           max_no_bytes => 2097152,
           sync_mode_qlen => 2000, % If sync_mode_qlen is set to the same value as drop_mode_qlen,
           drop_mode_qlen => 2000, % synchronous mode is disabled. That is, the handler always runs
           flush_qlen => 5000,     % in asynchronous mode, unless dropping or flushing is invoked.
           overload_kill_enable => true
           % Documentation about Overload protection, together with default values, can be found here:
         formatter => ...

Logfmt file log handler

Wrapper around the flatlog library with custom template options configured by default.


  • map_depth - the maximum depth to format maps. map_depth => 3 means that the map #{one => #{two => #{three => #{four => key}}}} would be printed as one_two_three_four=.... While the map #{one => #{two => #{three => key}}} would be still printed as one_two_three=key.
  • term_depth - the maximum depth to which terms are printed. Anything below this depth is replaced with .... unlimited by default.
         formatter => {mongoose_flatlog_formatter, #{
           map_depth => 3,
           term_depth => 50

JSON file log handler

JSON formatted file. It could be used to store messages in ELK or in Splunk. You can use Filebeat to send messages from the file into ELK.


  • format_depth - the maximum depth to which terms are printed. Anything below this depth is replaced with .... unlimited by default.
  • format_chars_limit - A soft limit on the number of characters when printing terms. When the number of characters is reached, remaining structures are replaced by "...". format_chars_limit defaults to unlimited, which means no limit on the number of characters returned.
  • depth - the maximum depth for json properties. Default is unlimited. Options deeper than the depth are replaced with the ... string.
         formatter => {mongoose_json_formatter, #{
           format_depth => 10,
           format_chars_limit => 3000,
           depth => 10

Different log level for a specific module


  • Sometimes we are interested in debug messages from a particular module.
  • Useful to debug new or experimental modules.

This example:

  • Changes log level for one particular module.
  • Forwards the log messages to any enabled handler.


  • Enable module log level for ejabberd_c2s.
    %% Module log level
    {module_level, debug, [ejabberd_c2s]},

Separate log for module debugging


  • Sometimes we are only interested in log messages from one particular module.
  • Useful for debugging and development.
  • Does not affect overload protection in other handlers.

This example:

  • Forwards all logging from a module ejabberd_c2s to a separate file.
  • Keeps the other handlers intact.


  • Modify any existing handler to explicitly set log level.
  • Enable module log level for ejabberd_c2s.
  • Add a new custom handler into kernel.logger options.


  • This would also disable module log level logic for other handlers.
    %% Existing handlers
    {handler, shell_log, logger_std_h, #{
         level => notice, %% was level => all
    {handler, disk_log, logger_disk_log_h, #{
          level => notice,
    %% Module log level
    {module_level, debug, [ejabberd_c2s]},
    %% New handler
    {handler, disk_log_c2s, logger_disk_log_h, #{
         level => debug,
         config => #{
           %% Choose destination:
           file => "{{mongooseim_log_dir}}/ejabberd_c2s.log",
           %% Common options:
           type => wrap,
           max_no_files => 5,
           max_no_bytes => 2097152,
           sync_mode_qlen => 2000,
           drop_mode_qlen => 2000,
           flush_qlen => 5000,
           overload_kill_enable => true
         formatter => {mongoose_flatlog_formatter, #{
           map_depth => 3,
           term_depth => 50
         filters => [
           %% That filter matches messages from ejabberd_c2s module
           {module_filter, {fun mongoose_log_filter:filter_module/2, [ejabberd_c2s]}}

Setting up Kibana

This example sets up ElasticSearch and Kibana for development purposes.

Create a network, so filebeat can find ELK:

docker network create logging

Run ELK (consult with the container docs for more options):

docker run -d -p 5601:5601 -p 9200:9200 -p 5044:5044 --network logging --name elk sebp/elk:oss-792

Create a volume for logs:

docker volume create mongooseim-logs

Run MongooseIM daemon:

docker run -d -t -h mongooseim -v mongooseim-logs:/usr/lib/mongooseim/log \
    --network logging --name mongooseim -p 5222:5222 mongooseim/mongooseim:latest

The next part is based on Filebeat's docs.

Setup filebeat (should be called once, that creates indexes in Elasticsearch):

docker run --network logging --rm \ \
    setup -E \
          -E output.elasticsearch.hosts='["elk:9200"]'

Create filebeat.mongooseim.yml config file:

- paths:
   - /usr/lib/mongooseim/log/mongooseim.json.1
  input_type: log
  json.keys_under_root: true
  json.add_error_key: true
  json.overwrite_keys: true

  # Keep the original "when" field too, because of microseconds precision
  - timestamp:
      field: when
        # Date '2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z' in mongoose format
        - '2006-01-02T15:04:05.999+00:00'
        - '2020-09-29T11:25:51.925316+00:00'

Create a volume for persistent Filebeat data (so, it would not insert log duplicates, if mongooseim-filebeat container is recreated):

docker volume create filebeat-data

Actually run the Filebeat daemon:

docker run -d \
    --network logging \
    --name mongooseim-filebeat \
    -v mongooseim-logs:/usr/lib/mongooseim/log \
    -v filebeat-data:/usr/share/filebeat/data \
    -v="$(pwd)/filebeat.mongooseim.yml:/usr/share/filebeat/filebeat.yml:ro" \ \
    filebeat -e -E output.elasticsearch.hosts='["elk:9200"]'

In case you want to store and view logs from a dev server in Elasticsearch:

docker run -d \
    --network logging \
    --name mongooseim-filebeat \
    -v "$(pwd)/_build/mim1/rel/mongooseim/log:/usr/lib/mongooseim/log" \
    -v="$(pwd)/priv/filebeat.mongooseim.yml:/usr/share/filebeat/filebeat.yml:ro" \ \
    filebeat -e -E output.elasticsearch.hosts='["elk:9200"]'