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Domain management


Some modules do not work with dynamic domains. This is also the case for s2s and the XMPP components (XEP-0114) mechanism, as configured in the listen.service section.

MongooseIM core component

Implemented by mongoose_domain_core module.

It is based on gen_server & ETS table w. public read access. This module is local for the node, it does not implement any sync across the nodes in a cluster. This component is responsible for dynamic routing, it is always started by MIM even if there is no support of dynamic domain names configured.

It provides the following interfaces:

  • Init - accepts the list of initial domain/host_type pairs provided in config file, and the list of host_types that can be used for dynamic insertion. Any of these lists can be empty, initial list of domain/host_type pairs can have some unique host_types not mentioned in the host_types list. The component is initialised by the main MIM supervisor. Implemented in mongoose_domain_api:init().
  • Insert - adding new domain/host_type pair. This function is idempotent. It returns success on an attempt to insert the existing data, but fails if ETS already has the domain name associated with another host type. Implemented in mongoose_domain_api:insert_domain(Domain, HostType).
  • Remove - This function is idempotent. It deletes existing domain/host_type pairs. It is impossible to delete domain/host_type pairs specified on init of the component. Implemented in mongoose_domain_api:delete_domain(Domain).
  • Get host type by domain. Implemented in mongoose_domain_api:get_host_type(Domain)..
  • Get all domains configured for the host_type. Implemented in mongoose_domain_api:get_domains_by_host_type(HostType)..
  • Get the list of the host_types provided during initialisation. Implemented in mongoose_domain_api:get_all_static()..

mongoose_domain_core implementation:

  • Has mongoose_domain_core table.
  • Default (initial) domains are static.
  • Disabled or deleted domains are not in mongoose_domain_core.
  • Static domains are non-mutable.
  • Static domains are not replicated.
  • Static domains has priority above DB domains.

MongooseIM service

As described in Services. Implements the service behaviour. Implemented by service_domain_db module.

This service provides an interface for dynamic management of domain names. It has persistent storage (RDBMS) where it stores information about domain names. This service ensures synchronization of dynamically managed domain names across different nodes in the cluster.

The minimal set of information associated with domain name is this:

  • Host type
  • Status (enabled/disabled)

This service provides the following interfaces:

  • Init - on init all the “enabled” domain names from the persistent storage is added to the core MIM component described above.
  • Add domain name (w/ host type) - This function is idempotent. An added domain is always “enabled” by default - it must be added in the core MIM component described in the previous section. If it’s successfully enabled than Information about the domain name is added into persistent storage and distributed across all the nodes in the cluster.
  • Disabling/Enabling domain name - This function is idempotent. The status of the existing domain is always changed on successful call. If domain name is enabled, then it is added in the core MIM component. On disabling domain name is deleted from the core MIM component. Change of the status is distributed across all the nodes in the cluster.
  • Remove the domain name - This function is idempotent. Domain name is deleted from the core MIM component (if required) and from the DB. This action is distributed across all the nodes in the cluster.

In case of any issues (domain name is already configured with another host_type or host_type is not supported), errors are logged.

The database schema contains two tables:

  • domain_settings - one record per domain. Maps domain name to host_type and enabled status.
  • domain_events - the log of changes. The only reason it exists is that we can track updates in the domain_settings and get apply updates across different nodes. The old events are eventually deleted from the table. Removal is triggered by all nodes of MongooseIM, that have the service configured.

service_domain_db module does two tasks:

  • Initially downloads domains from domain_settings table, using sorting by id.
  • Waits for check_for_updates message and updates core component, depending on records in the domain_events table.

We use id field to sort records when paginating.

Domain removal

You cannot delete domains with unknown host-type. Configure host-type first to delete such domains.

Modules which store data in RDBMS and support dynamic domains will remove all persistent data associated with a domain when its removal is requested. This is not the case for NoSQL databases or Mnesia. Because of that, we recommend using RDBMS with dynamic domains. Please note, that mod_auth_token is the only exception for now and does not remove data from RDBMS when removing a domain.

Service options

Described in the services section.


Provides API for adding/removing and enabling/disabling domains over HTTP. Implemented by mongoose_domain_handler module.

Configuration described in the listen section.

REST API is documented using Swagger in REST API for dynamic domains management. Below are examples of how to use this API with the help of curl:

Add domain

curl -v -X PUT "http://localhost:8088/api/domains/example.db" \
    --user admin:secret \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \
    -d '{"host_type": "type1"}'

Result codes:

  • 204 - Domain was successfully inserted.
  • 400 - Bad request.
  • 403 - DB service disabled, or the host type is unknown.
  • 409 - Domain already exists with a different host type.
  • 500 - Other errors.

Example of the result body with a failure reason:

{"what":"unknown host type"}

Check the src/domain/mongoose_domain_handler.erl file for the exact values of the what field if needed.

Remove domain

You must provide the domain's host type inside the body:

curl -v -X DELETE "http://localhost:8088/api/domains/example.db" \
    --user admin:secret \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \
    -d '{"host_type": "type1"}'

Result codes:

  • 204 - The domain is removed or not found.
  • 403 - One of:
    • the domain is static.
    • the DB service is disabled.
    • the host type is wrong (does not match the host type in the database).
    • the host type is unknown.
  • 500 - Other errors.

Enable/disable domain

Provide {"enabled": true} as a body to enable a domain. Provide {"enabled": false} as a body to disable a domain.

curl -v -X PATCH "http://localhost:8088/api/domains/example.db" \
    --user admin:secret \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \
    -d '{"enabled": true}'

Result codes:

  • 204 - Domain was successfully updated.
  • 403 - Domain is static, or the service is disabled.
  • 404 - Domain not found.
  • 500 - Other errors.

Command Line Interface

Implemented by service_admin_extra_domain module.

Configuration example:

  submods = ["node", "accounts", "sessions", "vcard", "gdpr", "upload",
             "roster", "last", "private", "stanza", "stats", "domain"]

Add domain:

./mongooseimctl insert_domain domain host_type

Delete domain:

./mongooseimctl delete_domain domain host_type

Disable domain:

./mongooseimctl disable_domain domain

Enable domain:

./mongooseimctl enable_domain domain