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Module Description

This module enables global distribution of a single XMPP domain. With mod_global_distrib, multiple distinct MongooseIM clusters can share a single domain name and route messages to the specific datacenter where the recipient is available.


This module does not support dynamic domains.

How it works

There are multiple subsystems that cooperate to enable global distribution:

Metadata sharing

Sharing of metadata is done by leveraging a database with cross-datacenter replication. Currently, only Redis is supported, with Dynomite layer for replication. The most important metadata stored in the database is a session/routing table. The table stores mappings between currently logged users' JIDs and datacenters on which they are logged in. Because access to the session table is very frequent, its entries are additionally cached on each node.

To preserve consistency between database instances, all data is stored with a set expiration time and is periodically refreshed. Each node of each cluster is responsible for refreshing its own data. Thus, in an event of a netsplit, datacenters' information about unreachable datacenters' users will expire, as those users are now unreachable; but once the connection is reestablished, the data will be replicated again as datacenters refresh their entries. Additionally, to prevent edge cases where an incoming message is received and replied to before the datacenter learns about the sender's host, an incoming message also carries information about its origin which may be used to temporarily update the local routing table.

Redis entries

Following structures are stored in Redis:

  • JID mappings are stored as normal key-value entries, where user's JID (full and bare) is the key, and the value is the local hostname where the user is logged in. Example: "" -> "".
  • Domains of components and services registered on the globally distributed host are stored in per-node set structures where the key is <local_host>#<node_name>#{domains}, and the values are the domain names. Example: "{domains}" -> {"", ""}.
  • Domains of non-hidden components and services (see the XMPP Components documentation) are stored in per-node set structures where the key is <local_host>#<node_name>#{public_domains}, and the values are the domain names.
  • Declared endpoints available on a node are similarly stored in a per-node set structure where the key is <local_host>#<node_name>#{endpoints} and the values represent the TCP endpoints of the node. Example: "{endpoints}" -> {"", "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334#8882"}.
  • Nodes that comprise a host are stored in a set structure with key <local_host>#{nodes} and values being the names of the nodes. Example: "{nodes}" -> {"", ""}.
  • Hosts are stored in a set with key hosts and values being the individual local XMPP domains. Example: "hosts" -> {"", ""}.

Message routing

mod_global_distrib establishes its own listeners and dedicated TCP/TLS connections for message routing. Each node listens on preconfigured endpoints, where each node in a datacenter can have any number of endpoints, including none. The endpoints are shared between all datacenters. If a node becomes unavailable, its endpoint entries in the database will expire and will be read once the node comes back online.

Connections between nodes in distinct datacenters are opened on the first request and then maintained as long as the destination endpoint is present in Redis. When a node needs to connect to a remote cluster, specified number of connections are opened to every endpoint reported by that datacenter. Global distribution features automatic rebalancing feature that will "disable" connections when their respective endpoints disappear from Redis. A new pool of connections is created each time a new endpoint is recognised. Whenever a node receives a message that is determined (by consulting the session table) to be destined for another datacenter, the routing procedure in the current datacenter is interrupted, the message is transported to the other datacenter via the dedicated connections, and the routing procedure is restarted there by a dedicated (but potentially short lived) worker process bound to the sender's JID (or subdomain if the sender's JIDs does not belong to the globally distributed domain). Client's process binds itself to a connection to a remote datacenter on first use, and henceforth always uses this connection to route messages directed to this datacenter. This - along with the dedicated worker process on the receiver's side - ensures that simple cross-datacenter messages between two entities are delivered in their sending order.

It may happen that a message is rerouted through multiple datacenters (e.g. if the user has reconnected to a different datacenter while the message was already in flight). Messages are given a TTL parameter by the source datacenter so that they cannot be rerouted indefinitely. The TTL is decreased on each reroute. Note that in the edge case of multi-datacenter routing, the messages may be received out-of-order at the destination datacenter.


Consider the following edge case: user U1 logged into datacenter DC2 and then quickly reconnected to datacenter DC3. Because session table has not yet been replicated, DC2 does not see U1 in the session table, while a different datacenter DC1 still sees U1 logged into DC2. When U2 logged into DC1 and sent a message to U1, it will now be rerouted to DC2 even though the user is now available at DC3.

State after U1's reconnection

Bounce mechanism solves this and similar edge cases by storing messages for which there is no known routing in the current datacenter. The stored messages are then assigned a bounce-TTL value and periodically - with backoff - are attempted to be routed again. In the example above, the message from U2 would be temporarily stored at DC2 and rerouted successfully once DC2 learns (via replication) that U1 is available at DC3.


Bounce mechanism, similarly to multi-datacenter routing, may result in out-of-order messages being received at the destination datacenter.


Global distribution modules expose several per-datacenter metrics that can be used to monitor health of the system.

Name Type Description (when it gets incremented)
mod_global_distrib_outgoing_messages_count counter Number of cross-datacenter messages sent by this cluster.
mod_global_distrib_incoming_messages_count counter Number of cross-datacenter messages received by this cluster.
mod_global_distrib_incoming_transfer_time histogram Time (us) elapsed between sending and receiving the message over the network. The duration is calculated using wall clock times on sender and receiver node.
mod_global_distrib_outgoing_queue_time histogram Time (us) elapsed while message waits in a queue of a sender's connection. High value of this metric may be remedied by increasing the number of connections to other hosts.
mod_global_distrib_incoming_queue_time histogram Time (us) elapsed while message waits in routing worker's queue. This value is not reported per-host as routing workers are bound to the sender's JID.
mod_global_distrib_incoming_established_count counter Incremented when a new connection is established from another cluster. At this point the origin domain of the cluster is not known, so this metric is common for all of them.
mod_global_distrib_incoming_first_packet_count counter Incremented when a receiver process gets the first packet from a remote cluster and learns its local domain.
mod_global_distrib_incoming_closed_count counter Incremented when an incoming connection gets closed.
mod_global_distrib_incoming_errored_count counter Incremented when an incoming connection gets closed with an error.
mod_global_distrib_outgoing_established_count counter Incremented when an outgoing connection is established.
mod_global_distrib_outgoing_closed_count counter Incremented when an outgoing connection gets closed.
mod_global_distrib_outgoing_errored_count counter Incremented when an outgoing connection gets closed with an error.
mod_global_distrib_mapping_fetches_time histogram Time (us) spent on fetching an entry from the session table, cached or otherwise.
mod_global_distrib_mapping_fetches_count counter Number of fetches of session table entries, cached or otherwise.
mod_global_distrib_mapping_cache_misses_count counter Number of fetches of session table entries that hit the database.
mod_global_distrib_delivered_with_ttl_value histogram A histogram of packets' TTL values recorded when the global routing layer decides to route them locally (but not due to TTL = 0).
mod_global_distrib_stop_ttl_zero_count counter A number of packets that weren't processed by global routing due to TTL=0.
mod_global_distrib_bounce_queue_size counter A number of messages enqueued for rerouting (the value of this metric is individual per MongooseIM node!). This metric is updated periodically, every instrumentation.probe_interval.
Name Type Description (when it gets incremented)
[mod_global_distrib_outgoing_messages, count] spiral Number of cross-datacenter messages sent by this cluster.
[mod_global_distrib_incoming_messages, count] spiral Number of cross-datacenter messages received by this cluster.
[mod_global_distrib_incoming_transfer, time] histogram Time (us) elapsed between sending and receiving the message over the network. The duration is calculated using wall clock times on sender and receiver node.
[mod_global_distrib_outgoing_queue, time] histogram Time (us) elapsed while message waits in a queue of a sender's connection. High value of this metric may be remedied by increasing the number of connections to other hosts.
[mod_global_distrib_incoming_queue, time] histogram Time (us) elapsed while message waits in routing worker's queue. This value is not reported per-host as routing workers are bound to the sender's JID.
[mod_global_distrib_incoming_established, count] spiral Incremented when a new connection is established from another cluster. At this point the origin domain of the cluster is not known, so this metric is common for all of them.
[mod_global_distrib_incoming_first_packet, count] spiral Incremented when a receiver process gets the first packet from a remote cluster and learns its local domain.
[mod_global_distrib_incoming_closed, count] spiral Incremented when an incoming connection gets closed.
[mod_global_distrib_incoming_errored, count] spiral Incremented when an incoming connection gets closed with an error.
[mod_global_distrib_outgoing_established, count] spiral Incremented when an outgoing connection is established.
[mod_global_distrib_outgoing_closed, count] spiral Incremented when an outgoing connection gets closed.
[mod_global_distrib_outgoing_errored, count] spiral Incremented when an outgoing connection gets closed with an error.
[mod_global_distrib_mapping_fetches, time] histogram Time (us) spent on fetching an entry from the session table, cached or otherwise.
[mod_global_distrib_mapping_fetches, count] spiral Number of fetches of session table entries, cached or otherwise.
[mod_global_distrib_mapping_cache_misses, count] spiral Number of fetches of session table entries that hit the database.
[mod_global_distrib_delivered_with_ttl_value] histogram A histogram of packets' TTL values recorded when the global routing layer decides to route them locally (but not due to TTL = 0).
[mod_global_distrib_stop_ttl_zero, count] spiral A number of packets that weren't processed by global routing due to TTL=0.
[mod_global_distrib_bounce_queue, size] spiral A number of messages enqueued for rerouting (the value of this metric is individual per MongooseIM node!).


  • You should only start mod_global_distrib by configuring it under modules option in mongooseim.toml. Do not add it as host-specific module via host_config.
  • Do not use mod_offline on domains given via global_host or local_host options, as it will decrease messaging robustness; the users logged in other datacenters will not be registered as available by mod_offline, and so the messages will not be flushed.



  • Syntax: string
  • Default: none, this option is mandatory
  • Example: global_host = ""

The XMPP domain that will be shared between datacenters.


This needs to be one of the domains given in general.hosts option in mongooseim.toml.


  • Syntax: string
  • Default: none, this option is mandatory
  • Example: local_host = ""

XMPP domain that maps uniquely to the local datacenter; it will be used for inter-center routing.


This needs to be one of the domains given in general.hosts option in mongooseim.toml.


  • Syntax: non-negative integer
  • Default: 4
  • Example: message_ttl = 5

Number of times a message can be rerouted between datacenters.


  • Syntax: non-negative integer, value given in milliseconds
  • Default: 3000
  • Example: hosts_refresh_interval = 3000

The interval telling how often Redis should be asked if new hosts appeared.

Connections' options


  • Syntax: Array of TOML tables with the following keys: host and port, and the following values: {host = string, port = non_negative_integer}
  • Default: [{host = "LocalHost", port = 5555}]
  • Example: endpoints = [{host = "", port = 5555}]

A list of endpoints on which the server will listen for connections. host can be given as a hostname, in which case it will be resolved to an IP address on module start. The endpoint list will be shared with other datacenters via the replicated backend.


  • Syntax: Array of TOML tables with the following keys: host and port, and the following values: {host = string, port = non_negative_integer}
  • Default: not set, the value of endpoints is used (without resolution).
  • Example: advertised_endpoints = [{host = "", port = 5555}]

A list of endpoints which will be advertised in Redis and therefore used to establish connection with this node by other nodes. The host may be either IP or domain, just like in case of endpoints. The difference is, the domain name won't be resolved but inserted directly to the mappings backend instead.


  • Syntax: non-negative integer
  • Default: 1
  • Example: connections_per_endpoint = 30

Number of outgoing connections that will be established from the current node to each endpoint assigned to a remote domain.


  • Syntax: positive integer, value given in seconds
  • Default: 60
  • Example: endpoint_refresh_interval = 30

An interval between remote endpoint list refresh (and connection rebalancing). A separate timer is maintained for every remote domain.


  • Syntax: positive integer, value given in seconds
  • Default: 3
  • Example: endpoint_refresh_interval_when_empty = 3

Endpoint refresh interval, when array of endpoints is empty.


  • Syntax: positive integer, value given in seconds
  • Default: 60
  • Example: disabled_gc_interval = 60

An interval between disabled endpoints "garbage collection". It means that disabled endpoints are periodically verified and if Global Distribution detects that connections is no longer alive, the connection pool is closed completely.

TLS options


By default tls is disabled and all data will be sent via standard TCP connections.

To enable TLS support, the cacertfile and certfile options have to be present. These options will be passed to the fast_tls driver.


  • Syntax: string, path in the file system
  • Default: none, this options is mandatory to enable TLS support
  • Example: certfile = "priv/dc1.pem"


  • Syntax: string, path in the file system
  • Default: none, this options is mandatory to enable TLS support
  • Example: cacertfile = "priv/ca.pem"


  • Syntax: string
  • Default: "TLSv1.2:TLSv1.3"
  • Example: ciphers = "ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384"

Cipher suites to use with StartTLS or TLS. Please refer to the OpenSSL documentation for the cipher string format.


  • Syntax: string, path in the file system
  • Default: not set
  • Example: dhfile = "dh.pem"

Redis session storage options


  • Syntax: string
  • Default: "global_distrib"
  • Example: pool = "global_distrib"

Name of the redis pool defined in outgoing pools.


  • Syntax: positive integer
  • Default: 120
  • Example: expire_after = 120

Number of seconds after which a session entry written by this cluster will expire.


  • Syntax: non-negative integer
  • Default: 60
  • Example: refresh_after = 60

Number of seconds after which session's expiration timer will be refreshed.

Database cache options

Options for caching database lookups, by default no options are passed.


  • Syntax: boolean
  • Default: true
  • Example: cache_missed = true

Determines whether an internal session cache should cache lookup failures. When false, only successful database lookups will result in the value being cached. Changing this option has great negative impact on performance.


  • Syntax: non-negative integer, value given in seconds
  • Default: 600
  • Example: domain_lifetime_seconds = 600

How long should subdomain mappings be cached (e.g. -> datacenter1.test).


  • Syntax: non-negative integer, value given in seconds
  • Default: 5
  • Example: jid_lifetime_seconds = 5

How long should full and bare JID mappings be cached (e.g. -> datacenter1.test).


  • Syntax: non-negative integer
  • Default: 10000
  • Example: max_jids = 10000

The maximum number of JID entries that can be stored in cache at any point in time.

Message bouncing options


  • Syntax: boolean
  • Default: true
  • Example: enabled = false

Whether message bouncing should be enabled or not. Setting this option to false makes other bounce options have no effect.


  • Syntax: non-negative integer
  • Default: 200
  • Example: resend_after_ms = 200

Time after which message will be resent in case of delivery error.


  • Syntax: non-negative integer
  • Default: 4
  • Example: max_retries = 4

Number of times message delivery will be retried in case of errors.

Global Distribution and Service Discovery

mod_global_distrib extension relies on mod_disco's option users_can_see_hidden_services, when provided. If it is not configured, the default value is true. mod_disco does not have to be enabled for mod_global_distrib to work, as this parameter is used only for processing Disco requests by Global Distribution.

Example configuration

Configuring mod_global_distrib

  global_host = ""
  local_host = ""
  connections.endpoints = [{host = "", port = 5555}]
  connections.advertised_endpoints = [{host = "", port = 5555}]
  connections.tls.certfile = "priv/dc1.pem"
  connections.tls.cacertfile = "priv/ca.pem"
  connections.connections_per_endpoint = 30
  cache.domain_lifetime_seconds = 60
  bounce.resend_after_ms = 300
  bounce.max_retries = 3
  redis.pool = "global_distrib"

Configuring Dynomite

For more information about Dynomite configuration, consult Dynomite wiki.

  datacenter: dc1
  rack: rack1
  tokens: '138342973'
  secure_server_option: datacenter
  pem_key_file: dynomite.pem
  data_store: 0
  datacenter: dc2
  rack: rack1
  tokens: '138342973'
  secure_server_option: datacenter
  pem_key_file: dynomite.pem
  data_store: 0