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Module Description

This module implements Multi-User Chat Light. It's an experimental XMPP group chat solution. This extension consists of several modules but only mod_muc_light needs to be enabled in the config file.


  • Syntax: string, a valid subdomain
  • Default: "muclight.@HOST@"
  • Example: host = "group.@HOST@"

Domain for the MUC Light service to reside under. @HOST@ is replaced with each served domain.


  • Syntax: string, one of "mnesia", "rdbms"
  • Default: "mnesia"
  • Example: backend = "rdbms"

Database backend to use.


  • Syntax: TOML section
  • Default: not declared
  • Example: [modules.mod_muc_light.cache_affs]

Enables caching affiliations for rooms, this has the advantage that the list of affiliations of a given room is stored locally, instead of being fetched from the DB on each message delivered to a room. On the other hand, in an edge case of a network split when the affiliations of a room are changed, there's a risk of inconsistencies for the cache having values in one node not yet synchronised with the other.

If caching is enabled, it will spawn its own segmented cache cache. To configure the cache parameters, the same config can be stored under the cache_affs section. To see details about the meaning of each flag, see mod_cache_users.



  • Syntax: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Example: equal_occupants = true

When enabled, MUC Light rooms won't have owners. It means that every occupant will be a member, even the room creator.


This option does not implicitly set all_can_invite to true. If that option is set to false, nobody will be able to join the room after the initial creation request.


  • Syntax: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Example: legacy_mode = true

Enables XEP-0045 compatibility mode. It allows using a subset of classic MUC stanzas with some MUC Light functions limited.


  • Syntax: positive integer or the string "infinity"
  • Default: "infinity"
  • Example: rooms_per_user = 100

Specifies a cap on a number of rooms a user can occupy.


Setting such a limit may trigger expensive DB queries for every occupant addition.


  • Syntax: boolean
  • Default: true
  • Example: blocking = false

Blocking feature enabled/disabled.


  • Syntax: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Example: all_can_configure = true

When enabled, all room occupants can change all configuration options. If disabled, everyone can still change the room subject.


  • Syntax: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Example: all_can_invite = true

When enabled, all room occupants can add new occupants to the room. Occupants added by members become members as well.


  • Syntax: positive integer or the string "infinity"
  • Default: "infinity"
  • Example: max_occupants = 100

Specifies a cap on the occupant count per room.


  • Syntax: positive integer or the string "infinity"
  • Default: 10
  • Example: rooms_per_page = 100

Specifies maximal number of rooms returned for a single Disco request.


  • Syntax: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Example: rooms_in_rosters = true

When enabled, rooms the user occupies are included in their roster.


  • Syntax: an array of config_schema items, as described below
  • Default:
          field = "roomname"
          string_value = "Untitled"

          field = "subject"
          string_value = ""
  • Example:
          field = "display-lines"
          integer_value = 30
          internal_key = "display_lines"

Defines fields allowed in the room configuration.

Each config_schema item is a TOML table with the following keys:

  • field - mandatory, non-empty string - field name.
  • string_value, integer_value, float_value - exactly one of them has to be present, depending on the type of the field:
    • string_value - string,
    • integer_value - integer,
    • float_value - floating-point number.
  • internal_key - optional, non-empty string - field name used in the internal representation, useful only for debugging or custom applications. By default it is the same as field.


Lack of the roomname field will cause room names in Disco results and Roster items be set to the room username.

Example Configuration

  host = ""
  equal_occupants = true
  legacy_mode = true
  rooms_per_user = 10
  blocking = false
  all_can_configure = true
  all_can_invite = true
  max_occupants = 50
  rooms_per_page = 5
  rooms_in_rosters = true

    time_to_live = 60

    field = "roomname"
    string_value = "The Room"

    field = "display-lines"
    integer_value = 30
    internal_key = "display_lines"


This module provides backend metrics. If you'd like to learn more about metrics in MongooseIM, please visit MongooseIM metrics page.

Prometheus metrics have a host_type and function labels associated with these metrics. Since Exometer doesn't support labels, the function as well as the host types, or word global, are part of the metric names, depending on the instrumentation.exometer.all_metrics_are_global option.

Backend in the action name can be either rdbms or mnesia.

Backend action Type Function Description (when it gets incremented)
mod_muc_light_db_Backend_count counter create_room A new room is stored in a DB.
mod_muc_light_db_Backend_time histogram create_room Time to store a new room in a DB.
mod_muc_light_db_Backend_count counter destroy_room Room data is removed from a DB.
mod_muc_light_db_Backend_time histogram destroy_room Time to remove room data from a DB.
mod_muc_light_db_Backend_count counter room_exists A room existence is checked.
mod_muc_light_db_Backend_time histogram room_exists Time to check the existance of a room.
mod_muc_light_db_Backend_count counter get_user_rooms A list of rooms the user is a participant of is retrieved from a DB.
mod_muc_light_db_Backend_time histogram get_user_rooms Time to retrieve a list of rooms the user is a participant of from a DB.
mod_muc_light_db_Backend_count counter get_user_rooms_count The count` of rooms the user is a participant of is retrieved from a DB.
mod_muc_light_db_Backend_time histogram get_user_rooms_count Time to retrieve the count` of rooms the user is a participant of from a DB.
mod_muc_light_db_Backend_count counter remove_user All MUC Light related user data is removed from a DB.
mod_muc_light_db_Backend_time histogram remove_user Time to remove all MUC Light related user data from a DB.
mod_muc_light_db_Backend_count counter remove_domain All MUC Light related domain data is removed from a DB.
mod_muc_light_db_Backend_time histogram remove_domain Time to remove all MUC Light related domain data from a DB.
mod_muc_light_db_Backend_count counter get_config A room config is retrieved from a DB.
mod_muc_light_db_Backend_time histogram get_config Time to retrieve a room config from a DB.
mod_muc_light_db_Backend_count counter set_config A room config is updated in a DB.
mod_muc_light_db_Backend_time histogram set_config Time to update a room config in a DB.
mod_muc_light_db_Backend_count counter get_blocking Blocking data is fetched from a DB.
mod_muc_light_db_Backend_time histogram get_blocking Time to fetch blocking data from a DB.
mod_muc_light_db_Backend_count counter set_blocking Blocking data is updated in a DB.
mod_muc_light_db_Backend_time histogram set_blocking Time to update blocking data in a DB.
mod_muc_light_db_Backend_count counter get_aff_users Affiliated users list is fetched from a DB.
mod_muc_light_db_Backend_time histogram get_aff_users Time to fetch affiliated users list from a DB.
mod_muc_light_db_Backend_count counter modify_aff_users Affiliations in a room are updated in a DB.
mod_muc_light_db_Backend_time histogram modify_aff_users Time to update affiliations in a room in a DB.
Backend action Type Description (when it gets incremented)
[HostType, mod_muc_light_db_Backend, create_room, count] spiral A new room is stored in a DB.
[HostType, mod_muc_light_db_Backend, create_room, time] histogram Time to store a new room in a DB.
[HostType, mod_muc_light_db_Backend, destroy_room, count] spiral Room data is removed from a DB.
[HostType, mod_muc_light_db_Backend, destroy_room, time] histogram Time to remove room data from a DB.
[HostType, mod_muc_light_db_Backend, room_exists, count] spiral A room existence is checked.
[HostType, mod_muc_light_db_Backend, room_exists, time] histogram Time to check the existance of a room.
[HostType, mod_muc_light_db_Backend, get_user_rooms, count] spiral A list of rooms the user is a participant of is retrieved from a DB.
[HostType, mod_muc_light_db_Backend, get_user_rooms, time] histogram Time to retrieve a list of rooms the user is a participant of from a DB.
[HostType, mod_muc_light_db_Backend, get_user_rooms_count, count] spiral The count of rooms the user is a participant of is retrieved from a DB.
[HostType, mod_muc_light_db_Backend, get_user_rooms_count, time] histogram Time to retrieve the count of rooms the user is a participant of from a DB.
[HostType, mod_muc_light_db_Backend, remove_user, count]` spiral All MUC Light related user data is removed from a DB.
[HostType, mod_muc_light_db_Backend, remove_user, time]` histogram Time to remove all MUC Light related user data from a DB.
[HostType, mod_muc_light_db_Backend, remove_domain, count] spiral All MUC Light related domain data is removed from a DB.
[HostType, mod_muc_light_db_Backend, remove_domain, time] histogram Time to remove all MUC Light related domain data from a DB.
[HostType, mod_muc_light_db_Backend, get_config, count] spiral A room config is retrieved from a DB.
[HostType, mod_muc_light_db_Backend, get_config, time] histogram Time to retrieve a room config from a DB.
[HostType, mod_muc_light_db_Backend, set_config, count] spiral A room config is updated in a DB.
[HostType, mod_muc_light_db_Backend, set_config, time] histogram Time to update a room config in a DB.
[HostType, mod_muc_light_db_Backend, get_blocking, count] spiral Blocking data is fetched from a DB.
[HostType, mod_muc_light_db_Backend, get_blocking, time] histogram Time to fetch blocking data from a DB.
[HostType, mod_muc_light_db_Backend, set_blocking, count] spiral Blocking data is updated in a DB.
[HostType, mod_muc_light_db_Backend, set_blocking, time] histogram Time to update blocking data in a DB.
[HostType, mod_muc_light_db_Backend, get_aff_users, count] spiral Affiliated users list is fetched from a DB.
[HostType, mod_muc_light_db_Backend, get_aff_users, time] histogram Time to fetch affiliated users list from a DB.
[HostType, mod_muc_light_db_Backend, modify_aff_users, count] spiral Affiliations in a room are updated in a DB.
[HostType, mod_muc_light_db_Backend, modify_aff_users, time] histogram Time to update affiliations in a room in a DB.