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MongooseIM metrics

MongooseIM by default collects many metrics showing the user behaviour and general system statistics.

Metrics are exposed in the Prometheus format, or they are managed by ESL's fork of the Exometer project. Both can be configured in the instrumentation section. There are some differences between the two systems, when it comes to conventions, naming and metric types.

In the default configuration file, Prometheus metrics are enabled, and available at the endpoint.

All metrics are divided into the following groups:

  • Per host type metrics: Gathered separately for every host type supported by the cluster.


    If a cluster supports many (thousands or more) host types, performance issues might occur. To avoid this, when using Exometer, use global equivalents of the metrics with all_metrics_are_global config option.

  • Global metrics: Metrics common for all host types.

    • Data metrics. These are misc. metrics related to data transfers (e.g. sent and received stanza size statistics).
    • VM metrics. Basic Erlang VM statistics.
  • Backend metrics: Histograms with timings of calls to various backends.

Metrics types


A monotonically increasing metric type. It is used for events like the number of stanzas processed by the system.


# TYPE c2s_element_in_message_count counter
# HELP c2s_element_in_message_count Event: c2s_element_in, Metric: message_count
c2s_element_in_message_count{host_type="localhost"} 0


A metric that represents a current value in the system.


# TYPE mnesia_info_running_db_nodes gauge
# HELP mnesia_info_running_db_nodes Event: mnesia_info, Metric: running_db_nodes
mnesia_info_running_db_nodes 0


A histogram collects values and groups them in buckets.


# TYPE c2s_xmpp_element_size_in_byte_size histogram
# HELP c2s_xmpp_element_size_in_byte_size Event: c2s_xmpp_element_size_in, Metric: byte_size
c2s_xmpp_element_size_in_byte_size_bucket{le="1"} 0
c2s_xmpp_element_size_in_byte_size_bucket{le="1073741824"} 0
c2s_xmpp_element_size_in_byte_size_bucket{le="+Inf"} 0


This kind of metric provides 2 values: total event count (e.g. stanzas processed) and a value in 60s window (one value). Dividing one value by 60 provides an average per-second value over last minute.

Example: [{total, 1000}, {one, 20}]


A simple monotonically increasing value. It consists of two properties:

Example: [{value, 12}, {ms_since_reset, 91761}]


It is similar to a counter type but can be set to any value.

  • value
  • ms_since_reset - Time in milliseconds elapsed from the last metric update.

Example: [{value, 12}, {ms_since_reset, 91761}]


A histogram collects values over a sliding window of 60s and exposes the following stats:

  • n - A number of samples.
  • mean - An arithmetic mean.
  • min
  • max
  • median
  • 50, 75, 90, 95, 99, 999 - 50th, 75th, 90th, 95th, 99th and 99.9th percentile

Per host type metrics

Prometheus metrics have a host_type label associated with these metrics. Since Exometer doesn't support labels, the host types are part of the metric names.

Presences & rosters

Name Type Description (when it gets incremented)
sm_presence_subscription_subscription_count counter Presence subscription is processed.
sm_presence_subscription_unsubscription_count counter Presence unsubscription is processed.
mod_roster_get_count counter User's roster is fetched.
mod_roster_push_count counter A roster update is pushed to a single session.
mod_roster_set_count counter User's roster is updated.
Name Type Description (when it gets incremented)
[HostType, sm_presence_subscription, subscription_count] spiral Presence subscription is processed.
[HostType, sm_presence_subscription, unsubscription_count] spiral Presence unsubscription is processed.
[HostType, mod_roster_get, count] spiral User's roster is fetched.
[HostType, mod_roster_push, count] spiral A roster update is pushed to a single session.
[HostType, mod_roster_set, count] spiral User's roster is updated.

Privacy lists

Name Type Description (when it gets incremented)
mod_privacy_get_count counter IQ privacy get is processed.
mod_privacy_push_item_count counter Privacy list update is sent to a single session.
mod_privacy_set_count counter IQ privacy set is processed.
mod_privacy_set_active_count counter Active privacy list is changed.
mod_privacy_set_default_count counter Default privacy list is changed.
mod_privacy_check_packet_count counter A packet is checked against the privacy list.
mod_privacy_check_packet_denied_count counter Privacy list check resulted in deny.
mod_privacy_check_packet_blocked_count counter Privacy list check resulted in block.
Name Type Description (when it gets incremented)
[HostType, mod_privacy_get, count] spiral IQ privacy get is processed.
[HostType, mod_privacy_push_item, count] spiral Privacy list update is sent to a single session.
[HostType, mod_privacy_set, count] spiral IQ privacy set is processed.
[HostType, mod_privacy_set, active_count] spiral Active privacy list is changed.
[HostType, mod_privacy_set, default_count] spiral Default privacy list is changed.
[HostType, mod_privacy_check_packet, count] spiral A packet is checked against the privacy list.
[HostType, mod_privacy_check_packet, denied_count] spiral Privacy list check resulted in deny.
[HostType, mod_privacy_check_packet, blocked_count] spiral Privacy list check resulted in block.


Name Type Description (when it gets incremented)
c2s_auth_failed_count counter A client failed to authenticate.
sm_session_count gauge Number of active sessions.
sm_session_logouts counter A client session is closed.
sm_session_logins counter A client session is opened.
c2s_element_in_count counter An XML element is received from a client.
c2s_element_in_stanza_count counter An XMPP stanza is received from a client.
c2s_element_in_message_count counter A message stanza is received from a client.
c2s_element_in_iq_count counter An IQ stanza is received from a client.
c2s_element_in_presence_count counter A presence stanza is received from a client.
c2s_element_in_error_count counter An error is received from a client.
c2s_element_in_message_error_count counter A message error is received from a client.
c2s_element_in_iq_error_count counter An IQ error is received from a client.
c2s_element_in_presence_error_count counter A presence error is received from a client.
c2s_element_out_count counter An XML element is sent to a client.
c2s_element_out_stanza_count counter An XMPP stanza is sent to a client.
c2s_element_out_iq_count counter An IQ stanza is sent to a client.
c2s_element_out_message_count counter A message stanza is sent to a client.
c2s_element_out_presence_count counter A presence stanza is sent to a client.
c2s_element_out_error_count counter An error is sent to a client.
c2s_element_out_iq_error_count counter An IQ error is sent to a client.
c2s_element_out_message_error_count counter A message error is sent to a client.
c2s_element_out_presence_error_count counter A presence error is sent to a client.
c2s_message_processed_time histogram Processing time for incoming c2s stanzas.
sm_message_bounced_count counter A service-unavailable error is sent, because the message recipient is offline.
router_stanza_dropped_count counter A stanza is dropped due to an AMP rule or a filter_local_packet processing flow.
router_no_route_found_count counter It is not possible to route a stanza (all routing handlers failed).
Name Type Description (when it gets incremented)
[HostType, c2s_auth_failed, count] spiral A client failed to authenticate.
[HostType, sm_session, count] counter Number of active sessions.
[HostType, sm_session, logouts] spiral A client session is closed.
[HostType, sm_session, logins] spiral A client session is opened.
[HostType, c2s_element_in, count] spiral An XML element is received from a client.
[HostType, c2s_element_in, stanza_count] spiral An XMPP stanza is received from a client.
[HostType, c2s_element_in, message_count] spiral A message stanza is received from a client.
[HostType, c2s_element_in, iq_count] spiral An IQ stanza is received from a client.
[HostType, c2s_element_in, presence_count] spiral A presence stanza is received from a client.
[HostType, c2s_element_in, error_count] spiral An error is received from a client.
[HostType, c2s_element_in, message_error_count] spiral A message error is received from a client.
[HostType, c2s_element_in, iq_error_count] spiral An IQ error is received from a client.
[HostType, c2s_element_in, presence_error_count] spiral A presence error is received from a client.
[HostType, c2s_element_out, count] spiral An XML element is sent to a client.
[HostType, c2s_element_out, stanza_count] spiral An XMPP stanza is sent to a client.
[HostType, c2s_element_out, iq_count] spiral An IQ stanza is sent to a client.
[HostType, c2s_element_out, message_count] spiral A message stanza is sent to a client.
[HostType, c2s_element_out, presence_count] spiral A presence stanza is sent to a client.
[HostType, c2s_element_out, error_count] spiral An error is sent to a client.
[HostType, c2s_element_out, iq_error_count] spiral An IQ error is sent to a client.
[HostType, c2s_element_out, message_error_count] spiral A message error is sent to a client.
[HostType, c2s_element_out, presence_error_count] spiral A presence error is sent to a client.
[HostType, c2s_message_processing_time] histogram Processing time for incoming c2s stanzas.
[HostType, sm_message_bounced, count] spiral A service-unavailable error is sent, because the message recipient is offline.
[HostType, router_stanza_dropped, count] spiral A stanza is dropped due to an AMP rule or a filter_local_packet processing flow.
[HostType, router_no_route_found, count] spiral It is not possible to route a stanza (all routing handlers failed).

Pool metrics

For every RDBMS pool defined, an instance of these metrics are available. Prometheus metrics have a host_type and pool_tag labels associated with these metrics. Since Exometer doesn't support labels, the host types and tags are part of the metric names.

Name Type Description (when it gets incremented)
wpool_rdbms_stats_workers gauge Number of workers in the pool
wpool_rdbms_stats_recv_oct counter Number of bytes received
wpool_rdbms_stats_recv_cnt counter Number of packets received
wpool_rdbms_stats_recv_max gauge Size of the largest packet, in bytes
wpool_rdbms_stats_send_oct counter Number of bytes sent
wpool_rdbms_stats_send_max gauge Size of the largest packet
wpool_rdbms_stats_send_cnt counter Number of packets sent
wpool_rdbms_stats_send_pend counter Number of bytes waiting to be sent
Name Type Description (when it gets incremented)
[HostType, wpool_rdbms_stats, PoolTag, workers] counter Number of workers in the pool
[HostType, wpool_rdbms_stats, PoolTag, recv_oct] spiral Number of bytes received
[HostType, wpool_rdbms_stats, PoolTag, recv_cnt] spiral Number of packets received
[HostType, wpool_rdbms_stats, PoolTag, recv_max] gauge Size of the largest packet, in bytes
[HostType, wpool_rdbms_stats, PoolTag, send_oct] spiral Number of bytes sent
[HostType, wpool_rdbms_stats, PoolTag, send_max] gauge Size of the largest packet
[HostType, wpool_rdbms_stats, PoolTag, send_cnt] spiral Number of packets sent
[HostType, wpool_rdbms_stats, PoolTag, send_pend] spiral Number of bytes waiting to be sent

When using a Rabbit worker pool, metrics defined in mod_event_pusher_rabbit are available.

Extension-specific metrics

Metrics specific to an extension, e.g. Message Archive Management, are described in respective module documentation pages.

Global metrics

All of these metrics are updated periodically. The interval at which they are probed can be configured with the [instrumentation.probe_interval option].

Name Type Description
sm_node_sessions_count gauge A number of sessions connected to a given MongooseIM node.
sm_total_sessions_count gauge A number of sessions connected to a MongooseIM cluster.
sm_unique_sessions_count gauge A number of unique users connected to a MongooseIM cluster (e.g. 3 sessions of the same user will be counted as 1 in this metric).
system_up_time_seconds gauge Node uptime.
mnesia_info_running_db_nodes gauge A number of nodes in a MongooseIM cluster seen by a given MongooseIM node (based on Mnesia). For CETS, use cets_info, joined_nodes instead.
system_tcp_ports_count gauge A number of open tcp connections. This should relate to the number of connected sessions and databases, as well as federations and http requests. A constantly growing value might indicate a connection leak.
system_process_queue_lengths_total gauge The total number of incoming messages queued in the Erlang processes. It is a good indicator of an overloaded system: if too many messages are queued at the same time, the system is most likely overloaded with incoming data.
system_dist_data_Metric gauge Network stats for Erlang distributed communication. Metric can be recv_oct, recv_cnt, recv_max, send_oct, send_max, send_cnt, send_pend or connections.
Name Type Description
[global, sm_node_sessions, count] gauge A number of sessions connected to a given MongooseIM node.
[global, sm_total_sessions, count] gauge A number of sessions connected to a MongooseIM cluster.
[global, sm_unique_sessions, count] gauge A number of unique users connected to a MongooseIM cluster (e.g. 3 sessions of the same user will be counted as 1 in this metric).
[global, system_up_time, seconds] gauge Node uptime.
[global, mnesia_info, running_db_nodes] gauge A number of nodes in a MongooseIM cluster seen by a given MongooseIM node (based on Mnesia). For CETS, use [global, cets_info, joined_nodes] instead.
[global, system_tcp_ports, count] gauge A number of open tcp connections. This should relate to the number of connected sessions and databases, as well as federations and http requests. A constantly growing value might indicate a connection leak.
[global, system_process_queue_lengths, total] probe The total number of incoming messages queued in the Erlang processes. It is a good indicator of an overloaded system: if too many messages are queued at the same time, the system is most likely overloaded with incoming data.
[global, system_dist_data, Metric] gauge Network stats for Erlang distributed communication. Metric can be recv_oct, recv_cnt, recv_max, send_oct, send_max, send_cnt, send_pend or connections.

Data metrics

All metrics are in bytes, and refer to unencrypted data (before encryption or after decryption in case of TLS).

Metric name Type Description
c2s_xmpp_element_size_in_byte_size histogram Size of an XML element received from a client.
c2s_xmpp_element_size_out_byte_size histogram Size of an XML element sent to a client.
c2s_tcp_data_in_byte_size counter Amount of data received from a client via TCP channel.
c2s_tcp_data_out_byte_size counter Amount of data sent to a client via TCP channel.
c2s_tls_data_in_byte_size counter Amount of data received from a client via TLS channel.
c2s_tls_data_out_byte_size counter Amount of data sent to a client via TLS channel.
mod_bosh_data_received_byte_size counter Amount of data received from a client via BOSH connection.
mod_bosh_data_sent_byte_size counter Amount of data sent to a client via BOSH connection.
mod_websocket_data_received_byte_size counter Amount of data received from a client via WebSocket connection.
mod_websocket_data_sent_byte_size counter Amount of data sent to a client via WebSocket connection.
s2s_xmpp_element_size_in_byte_size histogram Size of an XML element received from another XMPP server.
s2s_xmpp_element_size_out_byte_size histogram Size of an XML element sent to another XMPP server.
s2s_tcp_data_in_byte_size counter Amount of data received from another XMPP server via TCP channel.
s2s_tcp_data_out_byte_size counter Amount of data sent to another XMPP server via TCP channel.
s2s_tls_data_in_byte_size counter Amount of data received from another XMPP server via TLS channel.
s2s_tls_data_out_byte_size counter Amount of data sent to another XMPP server via TLS channel.
component_xmpp_element_size_in_byte_size histogram Size of an XML element received from a component.
component_xmpp_element_size_out_byte_size histogram Size of an XML element sent to a component.
component_tcp_data_in_byte_size counter Amount of data received from a component via TCP channel.
component_tcp_data_out_byte_size counter Amount of data sent to a component via TCP channel.
component_tls_data_in_byte_size counter Amount of data received from a component via TLS channel.
component_tls_data_out_byte_size counter Amount of data sent to a component via TLS channel.
Metric name Type Description
[global, c2s_xmpp_element_size_in, byte_size] histogram Size of an XML element received from a client.
[global, c2s_xmpp_element_size_out, byte_size] histogram Size of an XML element sent to a client.
[global, c2s_tcp_data_in, byte_size] spiral Amount of data received from a client via TCP channel.
[global, c2s_tcp_data_out, byte_size] spiral Amount of data sent to a client via TCP channel.
[global, c2s_tls_data_in, byte_size] spiral Amount of data received from a client via TLS channel.
[global, c2s_tls_data_out, byte_size] spiral Amount of data sent to a client via TLS channel.
[global, mod_bosh_data_received, byte_size] spiral Amount of data received from a client via BOSH connection.
[global, mod_bosh_data_sent, byte_size] spiral Amount of data sent to a client via BOSH connection.
[global, mod_websocket_data_received, byte_size] spiral Amount of data received from a client via WebSocket connection.
[global, mod_websocket_data_sent, byte_size] spiral Amount of data sent to a client via WebSocket connection.
[global, s2s_xmpp_element_size_in, byte_size] histogram Size of an XML element received from another XMPP server.
[global, s2s_xmpp_element_size_out, byte_size] histogram Size of an XML element sent to another XMPP server.
[global, s2s_tcp_data_in, byte_size] spiral Amount of data received from another XMPP server via TCP channel.
[global, s2s_tcp_data_out, byte_size] spiral Amount of data sent to another XMPP server via TCP channel.
[global, s2s_tls_data_in, byte_size] spiral Amount of data received from another XMPP server via TLS channel.
[global, s2s_tls_data_out, byte_size] spiral Amount of data sent to another XMPP server via TLS channel.
[global, component_xmpp_element_size_in, byte_size] histogram Size of an XML element received from a component.
[global, component_xmpp_element_size_out, byte_size] histogram Size of an XML element sent to a component.
[global, component_tcp_data_in, byte_size] spiral Amount of data received from a component via TCP channel.
[global, component_tcp_data_out, byte_size] spiral Amount of data sent to a component via TCP channel.
[global, component_tls_data_in, byte_size] spiral Amount of data received from a component via TLS channel.
[global, component_tls_data_out, byte_size] spiral Amount of data sent to a component via TLS channel.

CETS system metrics

All of these metrics are updated periodically. The interval at which they are probed can be configured with the [instrumentation.probe_interval option].

Metric name Type Description
cets_info_available_nodes gauge Available nodes (nodes that are connected to us and have the CETS disco process started).
cets_info_unavailable_nodes gauge Unavailable nodes (nodes that do not respond to our pings).
cets_info_joined_nodes gauge Joined nodes (nodes that have our local tables running).
cets_info_discovered_nodes gauge Discovered nodes (nodes that are extracted from the discovery backend).
cets_info_remote_nodes_without_disco gauge Nodes that have more tables registered than the local node.
cets_info_remote_nodes_with_unknown_tables gauge Nodes with unknown tables.
cets_info_remote_unknown_tables gauge Unknown remote tables.
cets_info_remote_nodes_with_missing_tables gauge Nodes that are available, but do not host some of our local tables.
cets_info_remote_missing_tables gauge Nodes that replicate at least one of our local tables to a different list of nodes.
cets_info_conflict_nodes gauge Nodes that replicate at least one of our local tables to a different list of nodes.
cets_info_conflict_tables gauge Tables that have conflicting replication destinations.
cets_info_discovery_works gauge Returns 1 if the last discovery attempt is successful (otherwise returns 0).
Metric name Type Description
[global, cets_info, available_nodes] gauge Available nodes (nodes that are connected to us and have the CETS disco process started).
[global, cets_info, unavailable_nodes] gauge Unavailable nodes (nodes that do not respond to our pings).
[global, cets_info, joined_nodes] gauge Joined nodes (nodes that have our local tables running).
[global, cets_info, discovered_nodes] gauge Discovered nodes (nodes that are extracted from the discovery backend).
[global, cets_info, remote_nodes_without_disco] gauge Nodes that have more tables registered than the local node.
[global, cets_info, remote_nodes_with_unknown_tables] gauge Nodes with unknown tables.
[global, cets_info, remote_unknown_tables] gauge Unknown remote tables.
[global, cets_info, remote_nodes_with_missing_tables] gauge Nodes that are available, but do not host some of our local tables.
[global, cets_info, remote_missing_tables] gauge Nodes that replicate at least one of our local tables to a different list of nodes.
[global, cets_info, conflict_nodes] gauge Nodes that replicate at least one of our local tables to a different list of nodes.
[global, cets_info, conflict_tables] gauge Tables that have conflicting replication destinations.
[global, cets_info, discovery_works] gauge Returns 1 if the last discovery attempt is successful (otherwise returns 0).

Pool metrics

For RDBMS global pool defined, an instance of these metrics are available. Prometheus metrics have a pool_tag label associated with these metrics. Since Exometer doesn't support labels, the tags are part of the metric names.

All of these metrics are updated periodically. The interval at which they are probed can be configured with the [instrumentation.probe_interval option].

Name Type Description
wpool_global_rdbms_stats_workers gauge Number of workers in the pool
wpool_global_rdbms_stats_recv_oct counter Number of bytes received
wpool_global_rdbms_stats_recv_cnt counter Number of packets received
wpool_global_rdbms_stats_recv_max gauge Size of the largest packet, in bytes
wpool_global_rdbms_stats_send_oct counter Number of bytes sent
wpool_global_rdbms_stats_send_max gauge Size of the largest packet
wpool_global_rdbms_stats_send_cnt counter Number of packets sent
wpool_global_rdbms_stats_send_pend counter Number of bytes waiting to be sent
Name Type Description
[global, wpool_global_rdbms_stats, PoolTag, workers] counter Number of workers in the pool
[global, wpool_global_rdbms_stats, PoolTag, recv_oct] spiral Number of bytes received
[global, wpool_global_rdbms_stats, PoolTag, recv_cnt] spiral Number of packets received
[global, wpool_global_rdbms_stats, PoolTag, recv_max] gauge Size of the largest packet, in bytes
[global, wpool_global_rdbms_stats, PoolTag, send_oct] spiral Number of bytes sent
[global, wpool_global_rdbms_stats, PoolTag, send_max] gauge Size of the largest packet
[global, wpool_global_rdbms_stats, PoolTag, send_cnt] spiral Number of packets sent
[global, wpool_global_rdbms_stats, PoolTag, send_pend] spiral Number of bytes waiting to be sent

VM metrics

Metric name Type Description
system_memory_Metric gauge Erlang memory statistics from erlang:memory/0. Metric specifies the memory type, e.g. total, processes_used, atom_used, binary, ets or system.
system_info_Metric gauge Erlang system statistics from erlang:system_info/1. Metric can be port_count, port_limit, process_count, process_limit, ets_count or ets_limit.
Metric name Type Description
[global, system_memory, Metric] gauge Erlang memory statistics from erlang:memory/0. Metric specifies the memory type, e.g. total, processes_used, atom_used, binary, ets or system.
[global, system_info, Metric] gauge Erlang system statistics from erlang:system_info/1. Metric can be port_count, port_limit, process_count, process_limit, ets_count or ets_limit.

Backend metrics

Some extension modules expose histograms with timings of calls made to their backends. Please check the documentation of modules that are enabled in your config file, in order to learn if they provide them.

Prometheus metrics have a host_type label associated with these metrics, as well as a function label describing the backend action. Since Exometer doesn't support labels, the host types and backend actions are part of the metric names.

Metric name Type Description
BackendModule_count counter Number of calls (spiral metric), incremented for every call (even a failed one).
BackendModule_time histogram Times of successful operations.
Metric name Type Description
[HostType, BackendModule, BackendAction, count] spiral Number of calls (spiral metric), incremented for every call (even a failed one).
[HostType, BackendModule, BackendAction, time] histogram Times of successful operations.

Besides these, following authentication metrics are always available. Prometheus metrics have a host_type label associated with these metrics. Since Exometer doesn't support labels, the host types are part of the metric names.

Metric name Type Description
auth_register_user_count counter A user registered successfully.
auth_unregister_user_count counter A user unregistered successfully.
auth_authorize_count counter A user tried to authorize.
auth_authorize_time histogram Time it took to authorize a user.
auth_check_password_count counter A password was checked.
auth_check_password_time histogram Time it took to check a password.
auth_try_register_count counter A user tried to register.
auth_try_register_time histogram Time it took to register a user.
auth_does_user_exist_count counter Whether a user exists was checked.
auth_does_user_exist_time histogram Time it took to check whether a user exists.
Metric name Type Description
[HostType, auth_register_user, count] spiral A user registered successfully.
[HostType, auth_unregister_user, count] spiral A user unregistered successfully.
[HostType, auth_authorize, count] spiral A user tried to authorize.
[HostType, auth_authorize, time] histogram Time it took to authorize a user.
[HostType, auth_check_password, count] spiral A password was checked.
[HostType, auth_check_password, time] histogram Time it took to check a password.
[HostType, auth_try_register, count] spiral A user tried to register.
[HostType, auth_try_register, time] histogram Time it took to register a user.
[HostType, auth_does_user_exist, count] spiral Whether a user exists was checked.
[HostType, auth_does_user_exist, time] histogram Time it took to check whether a user exists.

These are total times of respective operations. One operation usually requires only a single call to an auth backend but sometimes with e.g. 3 backends configured, the operation may fail for first 2 backends. In such case, these metrics will be updated with combined time of 2 failed and 1 successful request.